Archived Gordon Setter Breed Notes

Monthly (February) Notes for BGSC Website 2018 (02)
I see that Kate Macara’s entry for Crufts is 192 making 214 which is on a par with entries over the last few years.
David Alcorn has drawn attention to the fact that at Crufts DNA tests will be available to buy from the Animal Health Trust with a 20% discount off the list price, with swabs to take away. The AHT’s stand is no 55 in Hall 3.
I see from the KC Breed Supplement for the final quarter of 2017 that registrations were 67 made up from 65 puppies, from 9 litters, and two importations. This means that the total registrations for 2017 were 255 which compares with 263 for the previous year. The last seven years have ranged from 234 to 273 then it was 306 in 2010 but right down to 192 in 2009 which followed a high of 362 in 2008 so we do seem to have stabilised a bit. Only five dogs were exported, 1 to Belgium, 2 to France, 1 to Germany and 1 to Norway.
Hip scores from only 7 dogs were recorded with an average of 21. This is the highest quarterly average since 2007 and puts the average for the year up from 12.43 at the end of September to 13.61. Also, the average for the period for which I have scores is up from 19.31 to 19.32. I know this is only very slight but it is the first time since 2007 that the overall average has risen. However, when you consider that in the last quarter of 1991, which is when my records start, the average was 31.94, we have made tremendous progress but we must take care not to regress.
The DNA test results for PRA rcd-4 listed 6 carriers and 5 clear. The GPRA results listed 1 affected and 9 unaffected. Of this latter figure 5 had previously been recorded as unaffected.
At East Kent show recently BOB went to Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Benbuie Rock On to Hernwood JW, and they also went BP with their H Apollo. RBOB was Rachel and Ken Horler’s Kintalis Winter’s Knight by Rackens JW. The Judge was Bill Gray (Sygar).
At Maidenhead on 17 February, BOB went to Yvonne Slaughter’s Cairacailie Night Of Love with Ordett. On 18 February at Waverley Gundog, Laura Millar’s Yennadon Benriach won Junior and PG and then took BOB. Also on 18th, at Horley & DCS Show, BOB went to Liz Ashton’s Yennadon Renaissance with Gadieburn and RBOB to Liz Ede’s Glenarden Martlet. There were no puppies present. The Judge at this show was Viv Bowen (Clandrift).
At Kent County CA Show on 25 February, Gordons were judged by Rita Cemis. She found her BOB in Thelda Bryant’s Muckypup’s D’Artagnan JW ShCM and RBOB in our Kyuna Olympic Arrow of Tymora ShCM. There were no puppies present. We entered Fletcher for the RBOB Stakes, judged by Linda Aldous (Panjsher) which he won with prize money of £15. We also had him entered in an Open Stakes class which was offering prize money down to 10th place. There were 69 entered although many had left the show as it was a very cold day but there were still possibly 25/30 in the ring. Fletcher came in 8th place and won another £8 so we had a good day.
We had considered going home as it was so cold but Tango, our Field Spaniel, who had won Best AVNSC Gundog went on to win the Gundog Group so we had to stay on for BIS which is why we went in for the Stakes classes and were very glad we did!
Some of the dogs who would normally have been at the Horley & DSS on 18 February were absent as they were up at the BGSC Breed Specific Seminar, our boy included. I would like to congratulate the Club’s Committee on running an excellent Seminar, especially Sonja Upton-Lovett who organised it. The day ran very smoothly. It started with talks from Sue Mitchell, on the Breed Standard, Pam Davies, on Gordon puppies and how they grow and Maggy Halliday on working a Gordon.
There was then a question and answer session and this was followed by the candidates being split into two groups, each group having a line of five dogs to go over and see move. There was then the task of them writing their critiques and completing the multi choice examination whilst the rest of us relaxed!
A tasty lunch was provided by Jenny and Bob Roberts and then Kathy Gorman came forward to undertake the KC Points of a Dog Assessment. As we and Fletcher were no longer required we decided to leave for home, bearing in mind it was a Sunday, the last day of many half term holidays and we had the M25 to face! Before leaving all those who had brought dogs along for the Seminar were thanked for giving up their time and handed a gift for the handler and a ‘goodie’ bag for the dogs which I thought was a really nice gesture by the Club. Once again, congratulations to all for an interesting day.
I know Manchester is done and dusted but it made me remember the first time we went there in 1986. The show was held in March, which was after Crufts, and was at Belle Vue in Manchester. We had only started showing in 1985 so this was our first long distance show and we were not sure where we were going. However, we found the venue and realised we had driven straight past the entrance. We saw a roundabout just along the road so headed for it to turn round and it was when we did that we realised we had a large number of ‘dog’ cars following us. You know how it is, you are not quite sure where a venue is so latch on to a ‘dog’ car hoping they know where they are going! Anyway, all was well that ended well and we entered the venue, still in good time.
The Judge was Major Houghton and he had an entry of 130 making 168 giving an average of 14 per class. I notice from the catalogue, which we still have, that the judge should have been Judy de Casembroot but I cannot remember why there was a change of judge. The DCC was awarded to Sh Ch Carorae The Laird, owned by Mr & Mrs Bayley and bred by Carole Laurie. DRCC went to José Baddeley’s Gladstone of Lourdace who was bred by Brenda Corbett. BCC and BOB was Ch Inkersall Cedar, bred and owned by Jayne and John Mawer and RBCC was her litter sister, Sh Ch I Coal Tit at Sundeala, owned by Barbara Davies and Ron Bebb.
I do hope you are not being too inconvenienced by the snow. It is not too bad where we live as at the moment all the main roads are clear and as we have a lot of local bus routes going around the houses, those roads are all kept salted as well. Let us hope all the snow will have disappeared before Crufts.
When thinking about Crufts I thought I would look back on a schedule and catalogue for 1988, 30 years ago. Gundogs were on the first day, Thursday 11 February, and the show was held at Earls Court in London. The rings were arranged on two floors and fortunately Gordons were on the ground floor. The upper floor came in handy when there was a large crowd around the breed ring as it was possible to go upstairs and look down from the balcony on to the ring.
The Judge for Gordons was Mr R Robertson and he had an entry of 167 making 195. There were 8 classes for each sex with a mixed veteran class. There were 77 (91) dogs and 90 (104) bitches. Absentees were 11 dogs and 19 bitches. BOB went to the BCC winner, Chris Lomas’s Sh Ch Timadon Bramble. She was bred by Alicia and Geoff Coupe in June 1983 and was by Ch Swanley Strathfinella x Glenlochay Kilty Rose of Eireannmada. DCC went to José Baddeley’s Sh Ch Gladstone of Lourdace who was bred by Brenda Corbett in July 1984 and was by Sh Ch Rossend Gaelic Drover of Dunfionn x L Minuet.
RBCC was won by Annette Cornwall’s Lourdace Musette. She was bred by José in August 1983 and was by Sh Ch Dudmoor Mylton of L x Winterwood Summercloud. RDCC went to Paul Smith’s Moonglade Morello. Bred by Elaine Roberts in May 1982 he was by Sh Ch Wayfarer of Carorae x M Marvel. BP was Margot Harrison’s Adamgrove Grey Douglas. Homebred in March 1987 he was by Tamarod Firebird x T The Mary Rose at A.
We had two entered, Casper in Post Graduate, where he came 4th, and Glen in Puppy where he came third so we had a good day. It was Glen’s first Crufts and at one stage we wondered if he would qualify. In those days, apart from Champions, etc and those in the Stud Book who, as now, qualified automatically, dogs had to win a first (and only a first) in Minor Puppy, Puppy, Junior or Post Graduate, plus first to third in Limit and Open. In puppy classes during 1987, Glen kept getting seconds until at the last show of the year a puppy he had been up against continually was entered only in minor puppy whereas we had Glen entered in puppy as well and he was the only entry so finally got his qualification. We don’t usually like being the only entry in a class but on that occasion we breathed a sigh of relief that we were.
One or two general observations about Crufts 1988: The entry fee was £9.00 for the first class and £1 for each subsequent class. Ring cards were sent to each exhibitor and these acted as the admission pass for entry into Earls Court. I have not noticed any mention of exit passes. Entry to the show was from 7.00am with no dogs admitted after 11.00am, except under very exceptional circumstances and by special permission. Judging was from 10.00am, unless exhibitors were notified of a difference with their ring cards. No dogs could leave the show until 6.00pm.
The total number of gundogs entered was 3,138 making 3,612 and the total entry overall was 15,567 making 18,222 entries. Whereas nowadays there are numerous Gamekeepers’ classes, in 1988 there were just four – one for Retrievers (Labrador) and (Curly-Coated) – 9 entries; one for Retrievers (Flat-Coated) and (Golden) – 0 entries; one for AV Sporting Spaniel – 4 entries and one for AV Gundog – 12 entries, one of which was Timadon Blackberry, owned by Willy Cassidy. It seems that Gundog owners are now taking much more interest in the working side, judging by the number entered in the Gamekeepers’ classes at Crufts last year.
Admission for the public was from 8.30am to 7.30pm and the cost was £4.50 for adults and £2.00 for children (over 3 and under 14) and Senior Citizens. Catalogues were £3.00 from the kiosks in the hall but exhibitors could order with their entry.
One thing that really surprised me was the number of coach parties arranged by individuals from all around the country. There are 65 mentioned in the schedule. This year there are 3. It just shows that most people these days use their own transport.
History lesson over, it just leaves me to say good luck at Crufts, have a good day and remember you always take the best dog home with you.
Hilary Tye Tel: 0208 4602049 E-mail:
Monthly (March) Notes for BGSC Website 2018 (03)
I do hope you were not too inconvenienced by the snow. It was not too bad where we live as all the main roads were kept clear and as we have a lot of local bus routes going around the houses, those roads were all kept salted as well. It was obviously a worry that the ‘Beast from the East’ might have affected Crufts but fortunately it did not.
When thinking about Crufts I thought I would look back on a schedule and catalogue for 1988, 30 years ago. Gundogs were on the first day, Thursday 11 February, and the show was held at Earls Court in London. The rings were arranged on two floors and fortunately Gordons were on the ground floor. The upper floor came in handy when there was a large crowd around the breed ring as it was possible to go upstairs and look down from the balcony on to the ring.
The Judge for Gordons was Mr R Robertson and he had an entry of 167 making 195. There were 8 classes for each sex with a mixed veteran class. There were 77 (91) dogs and 90 (104) bitches. Absentees were 11 dogs and 19 bitches. BOB went to the BCC winner, Chris Lomas’s Sh Ch Timadon Bramble. She was bred by Alicia and Geoff Coupe in June 1983 and was by Ch Swanley Strathfinella x Glenlochay Kilty Rose of Eireannmada. DCC went to José Baddeley’s Sh Ch Gladstone of Lourdace who was bred by Brenda Corbett in July 1984 and was by Sh Ch Rossend Gaelic Drover of Dunfionn x L Minuet.
RBCC was won by Annette Cornwall’s Lourdace Musette. She was bred by José in August 1983 and was by Sh Ch Dudmoor Mylton of L x Winterwood Summercloud. RDCC went to Paul Smith’s Moonglade Morello. Bred by Elaine Roberts in May 1982 he was by Sh Ch Wayfarer of Carorae x M Marvel. BP was Margot Harrison’s Adamgrove Grey Douglas. Homebred in March 1987 he was by Tamarod Firebird x T The Mary Rose at A.
We had two entered, Casper in Post Graduate, where he came 4th, and Glen in Puppy where he came third so we had a good day. It was Glen’s first Crufts and at one stage we wondered if he would qualify. In those days, apart from Champions, etc and those in the Stud Book who, as now, qualify automatically, dogs had to win a first (and only a first) in Minor Puppy, Puppy, Junior or Post Graduate, plus first to third in Limit and Open. In puppy classes during 1987, Glen kept getting seconds until at the last show of the year a puppy he had been up against continually was entered only in minor puppy whereas we had Glen entered in puppy as well and he was the only entry so finally got his qualification. We don’t usually like being the only entry in a class but on that occasion we breathed a sigh of relief that we were.
One or two general observations about Crufts 1988: The entry fee was £9.00 for the first class and £1 for each subsequent class. Ring cards were sent to each exhibitor and these acted as the admission pass for entry into Earls Court. I have not noticed any mention of exit passes. Entry to the show was from 7.00am with no dogs admitted after 11.00am, except under very exceptional circumstances and by special permission. Judging was from 10.00am, unless exhibitors were notified of a difference with their ring cards. No dogs could leave the show until 6.00pm.
The total number of gundogs entered was 3,138 making 3,612 and the total entry overall was 15,567 making 18,222 entries. Whereas nowadays there are numerous Gamekeepers’ classes, in 1988 there were just four – one for Retrievers (Labrador) and (Curly-Coated) – 9 entries; one for Retrievers (Flat-Coated) and (Golden) – 0 entries; one for AV Sporting Spaniel – 4 entries and one for AV Gundog – 12 entries, one of which was Timadon Blackberry, owned by Willy Cassidy. It seems that Gundog owners are now taking much more interest in the working side, judging by the number entered in the Gamekeepers’ classes at Crufts last year.
Admission for the public was from 8.30am to 7.30pm and the cost was £4.50 for adults and £2.00 for children (over 3 and under 14) and Senior Citizens. Catalogues were £3.00 from the kiosks in the hall but exhibitors could order with their entry.
One thing that really surprised me was the number of coach parties arranged by individuals from all around the country. There are 65 mentioned in the schedule. This year there are 3. It just shows that most people these days use their own transport.
That’s the history lesson over for now!
A while ago I was chatting to someone at a show (not a Gordoner) who was rather disillusioned with the attitude of some people in her breed. She had a good example of the breed and had done quite a bit of winning but because she was a newcomer some of the more seasoned exhibitors never congratulated her or gave her any help or advice. Several years ago when I was helping out at ringcraft there were two people with the same breed, both nice dogs and both had started to win on several occasions. One person became really fed up with the attitude of other more experienced exhibitors and eventually gave up showing. The other had thicker skin and decided to shut her ears to the remarks passed around and went on to make her dog up into a champion, so her perseverance paid off.
Everyone needs to give new exhibitors as much encouragement as possible as if shows, especially open shows, are to survive we need to get and keep more people interested in taking part. I must admit I have always found Gordon exhibitors helpful and encouraging. This was especially so for us when we first started showing and had not much idea of what happened! I actually wrote a little poem for a BGSC Newsletter about our experiences during our first few years of showing. I will not repeat it all, but the first verse I feel demonstrates the help we had at the beginning.
Twas in the year of ‘85
That to our first show we did drive,
Our Casper he was nearly two
And none of us knew what to do,
But at the Gordon ring we found
A friendly crowd all standing round,
Who quickly put us in the know
With tips on how we could best show,’
Tips on grooming, tips on moving
All the time we were improving
Till that very special day
A “first” card did come Casper’s way.
We really appreciated all the help we had at the beginning and here we are some 33 years later still at it!
Another aspect of showing at the moment is the lack of people prepared to serve on committees, especially young people. Just look around at the committee members at your local shows. So many societies have, in recent years, closed down due to having insufficient people on their committees to efficiently run the society, especially people to take on the role of secretary. I saw in the dog paper only the other day an advert for a society for its AGM which was to be followed by a SGM deregistering the society. It is such a shame as some of these societies which are disappearing have been in existence for many, many years. If we go on losing open shows there will be less and less opportunities for up and coming judges to gain experience, especially breed judges. Also there will be fewer opportunities to bring out young puppies in the more relaxed atmosphere of an open show rather than the cut and thrust of championship shows. I know people seem to be much busier these days, but it does not take much of someone’s time to attend a few committee meetings and attend possibly two shows a year.
The recent snow once again caused open shows to be cancelled. In our area it was Hampshire Gundog. I remember this happened five years ago. Sandra and I were due to judge down at Weston Super Mare. Although we experienced a little snow the motorways were quite clear and we arrived safely much to the delight of the organisers as they had had a number of judges unable to attend, so we had a few more classes to judge than we had bargained for. Whilst there we heard that Hampshire Gundog had had to cancel their show, so it appeared the snow had been south of the M25 and M4, for which we were grateful.
That’s Crufts done and dusted for another year. Kate Macara’s entry of 192 making 214 was split fairly evenly between 98 (110) dogs and 94 (104) bitches. Absentees were 11 in each sex.
DCC and BOB was a second this year and 18th overall for Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s Sh Ch/Ita/Int Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein (Aus Ch Triseter Celtic Ice x Ita/Int/Eur/World Ch L Velsheda) who was homebred in May 2012.
BCC went to Poppi Jaconelli’s Sh Ch Hernwood Causin A Storm for Togipoto. This was her first this year and 6th overall. She was bred by Chris and Peter Sandiford in January 2012 and is by Sh Ch Cromasaig Forever Loyal JW x Sh Ch H Indi Girl at T.
Kate awarded the RDCC to Connie and Ian Ford’s Liric Fusilier with Shillay JW. This was not his first time in the top awards for he won a RCC last year. He was bred by Maureen Justice in December 2015 and is by the DCC winner x L As Good As It Gets.
The RBCC winner came from the Special Working Bitch Class and was M Sklorz’s Celtic Blackened Kochanej Emilki who it would appear from the ATC number came over from Poland. She was homebred in December 2013 and is by Fairray Black To The Future x Rosalie Von Der Wildlen Horde.
The challenge for BP was between Debra and Tony Harker’s Hernwood Achilles at Ettrick and Karen Marsh’s Lignum Black Lightning at Kilnrae with best going to H Achilles which follows on from his BP at Manchester. He was bred by Chris and Peter in May last year and is by Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW x Sh Ch H Calypso Goddess JW ShCM.
There were a good number of dogs present who are not resident in the UK. I make it 36, not including F Frankenstein, who I think can be counted as a ‘semi-resident’.
Lots of familiar faces around the ring who no longer show but still have a great interest in the Breed. Too many to mention them all but it was pleasing to see José Baddeley there looking well even though she has been quite poorly recently. Also it was lovely to see Yvonne Hunt at the ringside and I feel I should let slip that she will have her 100th Birthday on 25 April. She said she was looking forward to receiving a card from the Queen. I am sure she would love to have cards from Gordoners as well. She is no longer living in the Forest of Dean but is now in Oxfordshire. Her full address is in the latest BGSC Yearbook.
I hope you all had a good journey home. It is always a long day and especially so for us as our other Breed, Field Spaniels, started at 8.00am. Still, arriving very early meant we were parked right down the front of the West car park so not too far to walk into the venue. One part of Crufts I dislike is walking our Field down from Hall 2 to Hall 1 as often members of the public attending the show do not seem to be aware that dogs are being walked amongst them. We try to keep him protected but he was still nearly run into by a pushchair. It was even worse when the Fields used to be in Hall 4 and we had to walk them back right through halls 3 and 2. I do wish the KC could put in dog only walkways.
Sue Mitchell writes: “Sue Mitchell would like to thank, on behalf of the British Gordon Setter Club, all those that were involved with Discover Dogs at Crufts last week.
“All of the dogs were great ambassadors for the breed and enjoyed all the attention from young and old alike. We had a lot of interest in the breed and the representatives that attended ensured that no stone was unturned in informing the public about our wonderful breed. We had lots of enquiries about health testing and the requirements of owning a Gordon which in some cases the public had not realised the reality of owning one.
“My thanks go to Karin Sweryda, Jan Cawthen and their team who set up on the Wednesday and then ‘womaned’ the stand on Friday. Kay Reid and her husband Ian held the fort on Saturday and Sunday was the turn of Paul and Pam Woodhouse. Thursday was a joint effort between Mike and Sue Beese and myself who spent the day on the Gordon stand and walking between that and the Pet Blood Bank stand where one of my dogs, Baxter, was the star attraction. Several comments were made bout the tartan sashes and kilts that were worn.
”A great four days were had and enjoyed by all so once again thank you for giving time up to represent our breed.”
I noticed in the Crufts results on the Fossedata site that there was no mention of Best Veteran. Sylvia Timmerman emailed to say that she was absolutely delighted to win the BV rosette with her and Rhonda Cornum’s Int/Am/It Ch Ludstar Don Corleone. He was bred by the Ivaldis and is, of course, a half brother to Frederick Frankenstein having the same dam but by Goango Black Boss. He was born in June 2010.
Sylvia also mentioned that prior to Crufts she took the chance to visit Mary and Bert Dyde. Apparently they are both doing well and being taken care of by their son Rob. This is good to know as, although now ‘retired’, they have been so much part of the Gordon scene over many, many years.
Hilary Tye Tel: 0208 4602049 E-mail:
Monthly (April) Notes for BGSC Website 2018 (04)
It was very sad news that Ric Dixon died in the early hours of 5 April. He had not been well for some time but when the final curtain came down it must have been a time of great sadness for Jill and their family to whom sincere condolences were sent on behalf of us all. His funeral took place on Thursday 26 April and I understand was attended by many Gordoners.
David Alcorn wrote with details of the GBAS Top Gundog match as follows:
“It was a busy day for Gordoners, as Gundog Breeds Association of Scotland had been forced to reschedule their Top Gundog match owing to snow earlier in the year. The committee managed to find a date – Sunday 22nd – however this clashed with Clydebank Canine Club’s open show, which had Gordon classes scheduled. Given that Clydebank is held at Lanark and GBAS is held at Polmont, approximately an hour apart, it was a busy day for some! In the morning, at Clydebank, Richard Stafford (Farnfield) was the judge and he awarded Best of Breed to Connie Ford’s Liric Fusilier with Shillay whom he later awarded Group 2. I was also at Clydebank, and was lucky to win best of breed with both our weimaraner and our pointer, before having to hot-wheel it north to Polmont. Connie bravely stayed for the group, hoping she would make it in time later on!
“At GBAS, there was a grand turnout of Gordons, Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW and his daughter Sh Ch Cromasaig Bedazzled, as well as Connie’s Liric Fusilier and Jocelyn Ness’s new Sh Ch Liric Souvenier had all qualified for the adult competition. Our Lourdace Temptation and Laura Millar’s Yennadon Benriach had qualified for puppy. No Gordons had entered for the veteran competition, which was a shame. The judge for the day was Chris Atkinson. Gordons fared well indeed, and from 25 entries in the puppy competition, Laura Millar’s Yennadon Benriach was runner up top puppy, and our Lourdace Temptation was 4th top puppy. In the adult competition Gordons did well through the rounds and it was our Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW who ended up third overall behind the winning Spinone and Angus Macara and Lynne Jamieson’s Pointer, Kanix Newsflash of Glenfinnan. All in all it was a good day, and commendation must be given to GBAS for managing to find a suitable date to reschedule this prestigious event.”
Well done to all who participated in this competition.
Sandra brought back from the GSA show a 2017 Summary Report on the Results of PRA (rcd-4) testing in Gordon Setters. This states that a total of 980 test results have now been received including DNA test results and some designated as hereditary clear. Results are analysed based on the year of birth of the dog.
The test results indicate that breeding strategies have been successful in eliminating the birth of affected dogs and reducing the number of carriers born. A diagram shows that no affecteds were found to have been born in the last five years.
Pie charts in the Report show that in 2000 there were 30% affected, 40% carriers and 30% clear. In 2009 the figures were 10% affected, 44% carriers and 46% clear. In 2017 it was 4% carriers and 96% clear and hereditary clear. What an excellent record and well done to all in the Breed for being so conscientious in their efforts to eradicate this problem from our Breed.
Yvonne Slaughter has at last had confirmation from the KC of Layla’s JW. It has apparently only taken 6 weeks!! Layla gained the last points she needed at Maidenhead show in Mid February. Layla is, of course, Cairacailie Night Of Love with Ordett who was bred in October 2016 by Jenny, Bob and Katherine Roberts and is by Sh Ch Laurelhach Limited Edition at Yoheneoak x Sh Ch Cairacailie Devoted.
At Windsor Gundog show on 4 April, Marian Thomas was judging and found her BOB in Linda Hall’s Melview Moving Time. RBOB was Liz Williams’ Longrow Dancing Queen and BP was Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Hernwood Apollo. Alison Norman had Yennadon Kyllachy entered in the Special Beginners’ Stakes, judged by Jock Mackay, where she says he came second out of a class of about 10.
Alison has written to say that at East Anglian Gundog Show at the beginning of April, Kyllachy won PG and went RBOB. BOB and BP went to Maureen Justice’s Ludstar La La Land to Liric who was on her first outing. The Judge was Michael Launchbury (Morchale).
Laura Millar has written to say that on 21 April at Drongan and District CS, Yennadon Benriach won Graduate and was then BOB and on the following day at the GBAS Top Dog Event he was runner-up top Scottish Gundog Puppy 2017. Well done and what a good weekend.
Barbara Smith (Clacorick) made the journey down from Scotland to judge at Birmingham Gundog & Terrier show on 22 April. She found her BOB in Maggy Halliday’s Yennadon Reiss, RBOB was our Kyuna Olympic Arrow of Tymora ShCM and BP was Elaine Roberts and Carole and Maurice Watson’s Kyuna Dream Of Magic at Moonglade.

It was a third CC at consecutive shows for Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s Sh Ch/Ita/Int Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein (Aus Ch Triseter Celtic Ice x Ita/IntEur/World Ch Ludstar Velsheda) when he went BOB at Scottish Breeds and was later declared RBIS. This brings his overall total of CCs to 19.
The Breed was judged by Tony Green and his entry was 49 making 55. Taken from the internet there were 27 dogs and 22 bitches entered with absentees of 2 and 4 respectively. I have a query regarding Graduate Bitch as it was not shown in the results put out by Fosse Data so either there were no entries or any entries there may have been were absent.
BCC was a first this year and a second overall for Angie and Guy Palliser and Lesley Robson’s Lignum Tornado JW. She was bred by Angie and Guy in September 2015 and is by Dunfionn Portsoy x Ordett Mai Tai by Lignum.
RDCC went to David Alcorn, David Crowther and José Baddeley’s Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW (Absaaaronem Eleys Fuzzbuzz x Sh Ch Birchgarth Fools Gold with Lourdace JW) and RBCC to Frances Boxall’s Sh Ch Laurelhach Entrapment JW (Triseter Celtic Link with Laurelhach x Sh Ch Laurelhach Legacy JW).
BP was a first for Karen Marsh’s Lignum Black Lightning at Kilnrae. She was bred by Angie and Guy Palliser in May last year and is a half sister to the BCC winner having the same dam but by Sh Ch Laurelhach Limited Edition at Yohenoak. Best Junior was Laura Millar’s Yennadon Benriach who was bred by Nicky Ackerley-Kemp in January 2017 and is by Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM x Yennadon Reiver. Finally, BV went to Maggy Halliday’s Ch Yennadon The Druid JW who was bred by the late Sylvia Ackerley in November 2007 and is by Sh Ch Dunfionn Inverkip x Ch Yennadon Time For Tavy.
The GSA Ch Show took place on 14 April. The Judges were Sandra Tye (dogs) and Frances Boxall (bitches). The entry was 120 making 163 split between 49 (74) dogs and 71 (89) bitches. Absentees were 4 and 12 respectively.
The two judges were in agreement that BIS should go to the BCC winner, Jane Osborn’s Amscot Siena Spice JW. She was bred in December 2015 by Jean Collins-Pitman and is by Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM x Amscot Country Pursuits of Boyers. This was her second CC overall, her first having been awarded at Setter & Pointer last year. The judges also agreed that RBIS should go to the RBCC winner, Elaine Roberts and Carole and Maurice Watson’s Sh Ch Kyuna Colour Of Magic at Moonglade who came through from the Veteran Bitch class and was also BVIS. She was bred by Carole and Maurice in December 2008 and is by Sh Ch Kilnrae French Connection avec Ettrick JW x Carpediem Cool Blue Lilly at Kyuna.
DCC made it a very memorable day for Jocelyn Ness for Sandra awarded it to her Liric Souvenir JW and it was his all important third. He was also BOS in show. His two other CCs came from Chris Atkinson at WELKS in 2015, from the PG class, and from Sue Mitchell at LKA in 2017 from Open. He was bred by Maureen Justice in November 2012 and is by Boyers Strauss ShCM x Sh Ch Liric Blac Onyx JW. He is the first new Sh Ch to be made up this year. Having written ‘Sh Ch’, I know Jocelyn goes out working with her dogs so maybe he might be ‘Ch’, if not now then maybe soon.
RDCC was a first time in the green cards this year for Tony Michalak’s Sh Ch Kyuna Calypso. He is a half brother to the RBCC winner having the same sire but x Yarrowmarkers Dancin’ Queen with Kyuna. Again bred by Carole and Maurice, he was born in November 2011. I have just realised that the two main bitch winners were born in December and the two main dog winners in November. Must be a good time of the year!
BPIS was a third such award this year for Debra and Tony Harker’s Hernwood Achilles at Ettrick. Bred by Chris and Peter Sandiford in May last year, he is by Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW x Hernwood Calypso Goddess JW ShCM. RBPIS went to Elaine, Carole and Maurice’s Kyuna Dream Of Magic at Moonglade, a half sister to the BCC winner, having the same sire but x Kyuna Believe In Magic by Moonglade and a granddaughter of the RBCC winner. She was born in July last year.
RBVIS was Sylvia Timmerman and Rhonda Cornum’s Int/Am/It Ch Ludstar Don Corleone. He was bred by the Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi and is by Goango Black Boss x Multi Ch Ludstar Velsheda. He was born in June 2010. I gather Sylvia had a bad fall in the ring whilst running one of the dogs she was showing. I do hope she got home alright and has not suffered any lasting consequences of the fall.
Best Vintage went to Maggy Halliday’s Ch Yennadon The Druid JW. Bred by the late Sylvia Ackerley in November 2007 he is by Sh Ch Dunfionn Inverkip x Ch Yennadon Time For Tavy. Maggy also won the Brace class, and Progeny was won by Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso Goddess JW ShCM.
I did not attend the show on this occasion as Sandra was judging but I am told that during the Show a presentation was made to Yvonne Hunt to mark her 100th Birthday on 25 April. There was a cake which had on it three candles – one in the shape of a 1 and two in the shape of a 0 – much easier to handle than 100 individual candles and less to blow out ! Yvonne was also presented with some flowers and many photos were taken.
Following on from the GSA Ch Show, Jocelyn Ness writes: “I am overjoyed to have finally made Liric Souvenir up to be a Show Champion at the GSA show, under judge, Sandra Tye. I would like to thank her for giving him his 3rd CC, after Sue Mitchell and Chris Atkinson awarded him the other two. It was a wonderful occasion to achieve it. He has 6 RCCs, so it seemed it might never happen!”
Jocelyn would also like to thank “all the many people who sent cards and gave me congratulations on his win, it was lovely. It is also great that so many appreciated the part that Donald McNeil has played in campaigning Finn; if he wasn’t moved well to show off his paces it wouldn’t have happened.
“It is special, in that it is unlikely I will have another Gordon, so way to go ! “
WELKS was, to say the least, very soggy. When we arrived we were told all judging would be in inside rings. However, the Gordon benches and inside ring were in a tent on grass, but by Gundog day, which was the third day, there was very little grass to be seen and those benched by the side of the tent had to make their way through patches of quite deep mud. The ring had large mud patches and exhibitors were not happy at the thought of running round it.
There was a lot of tooing and froing between stewards, the show committee and our judge and eventually, to cheers from the exhibitors, we were found an outside ring which was a good size and well grassed over. We were advised, however, that if anyone slipped over it would be their responsibility as it was our choice not to use the inside ring. We all thought there would have been much more chance of slipping over in the inside ring! The downside was that it was very cold outside but it did not rain and everyone stayed well wrapped up. Fortunately no-one did slip over, at least not up to the middle of the bitch judging which was when, I have to admit, we left as the cold had really got to us and it took quite a while to warm up in the car even with the heating full on.
Kath Cole was our judge and she had an entry of 91 making 113. This was split between 43 (49) dogs and 48 (55) bitches with absentees of 12 and 11 respectively. There were 9 repeat entries in the Stakes classes. Kath found her BOB in her DCC winner, Toni Michalak’s Sh Ch Kyuna Calypso. This was his first this year and his 4th overall, having won his third at this show last year. He was bred by Carole and Maurice Watson in November 2011 and is by Sh Ch Kilnrae French Connection avec Ettrick JW x Yarrowmarker’s Dancin’ Queen with Kyuna.
BCC was the all important third for Ramsey Nagaty’s Foresters Xclusive Edition of Darkmoor at Marlbeck (imp deu) and makes her the second new Sh Ch this year. She was bred by Dagmar Bartels in August 2013 and is by Earthfire From Fire’sons Garden x Courtier’s Charming Sweet Angel. Her other two CCs both came last year, the first from Moira McErlean at Leeds and the second from Bill Bunce at GBAS.
RDCC went to Sheila Graham’s Clohass Killie Crankie. He is not new to top awards having previously won a CC. Bred by Christine Clark in January 2012, he is by Drumdaroch The Xpat to Liric x Dunfionn Onich of Clohass JW ShCM. RBCC went to Angela Phillips and Tereza Watkins’ Flaxheath Top Model at Glenmaurangi. Another not new to top awards for she has previously won RCCs. Bred by Vicki Lines in November 2015, she is by Sh Ch Lochfain An Aus Approach to Glenmaurangi JW x Flaxheath Just For Me.
BP was a fourth such award for Debra and Tony Harker’s Hernwood Achilles at Ettrick (Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW x Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso Goddess JW ShCM).
A new competition introduced by the KC, and scheduled for the first time at WELKS, is the KC Special Beginners Competition. The dog/bitch declared best Sp Beginner in Breed can go forward to the group competition where there will be prize money and rosettes provided by the KC for 1st – 4th in each Group and there will be no need to return on the final day. On this first occasion for this award it went to Julie Fuller’s Rosemullion Braganza (ai). Homebred in November 2015 he is by Am Gr Ch Saranac Toblerone x Rosemullion Foreign Melody (ai).
There were Veteran classes but on the internet there is no mention of a BV so I don’t know whether one was declared but the winners of these classes were Maggy Halliday’s Ch Yennadon The Druid JW and Carol Moore’s Sh Ch Gadhelic Spirit Of The Celt JW.
Hilary Tye Tel: 0208 4602049 E-mail:

Monthly (May) Notes for BGSC Website 2018 (05)
Debra Harker, Secretary, has let me know the results from the recent AGM of the Gordon Setter Association. All Officers and Committee were returned unopposed. The vote for the 2021 Ch Show was – Nicky Ackerley Kemp (bitches) and Graeme Murray (dogs). Open Show 2020 – Barbara Crosbie.
The proposal regarding the wording for the eye scheme has been returned to the Breed Council for further discussion and the proposed amendments to the Constitution and Rules regarding outstanding debts to the GSA was passed.
Sonja Upton-Lovett has sent through the BGSC 100 Club results for May. These were: £50 no 45 – Mrs B Whitehouse; £15 no 96 – unallocated and £10 no 97 – unallocated.

Sue Mitchell has written the following: “It has taken a few weeks to tell you that we lost dear old Sarson. I came down stairs to find him dead on the kitchen floor on the morning of the 17th April. He had been suffering from non heritable heart problems for 4 years but had always been energetic and had an excellent quality of life and even the afternoon before we lost him he had gone for his normal walk down to the stream, enjoyed his meals and good night cuddle. He was wearing a heart monitor when I found him so I know what time he had passed away. He had had a massive arrhythmic that caused the heart to stop.
“Sarson, Spingor Pride Of Orkney By Brobruick JW was born on 28th January 2006 from a repeat mating and by our Sh Ch Abelard Scotch Poacher By Brobruick JW. He had a successful career in the show ring gaining his Junior Warrant and siring some lovely puppies one of which is our own Sh Ch Ecameadow Black Cavendish By Brobruick JW Sh CM. His temperament was to die for and he was a larger than life character loving all creatures great and small and young and old alike. He gained his Pets As Therapy badge at just a year old and like most Gordons enjoyed being the centre of attention. He was always the one that had to rummage in my shopping bags on my return knowing a treat was in store somewhere! The house is now so very quiet without him as he had always been an attention seeker right from a youngster but just so loving throughout his life. Finding him was a massive shock but at least he made that final decision less painful for both of us.
“I would like to thank all those very kind people who have sent cards and flowers. They are beautiful and they have all been very much appreciated particularly as the past seven months have been very stressful one way and another”
In the KC Breed Supplement for the first quarter of the year, it shows that 35 puppies were registered from 7 litters and these plus 3 importations mean the total registrations for the first quarter were 38. This compares with 67 in the final quarter of last year.
The hip scores of 15 dogs were recorded with an average of 17.4. This is down on the final quarter of last year, which was 21, but is still quite high. There were unfortunately 5 scores above the average but this does show how inconsistent hip scores can be as in some cases the parents’ scores are well below average. For the period for which I have scores the average came down from 19.32 to 19.31.
The DNA test results for PRA rcd-4 show 4 carriers and 6 clears. The GPRA results on 8 dogs showed all were unaffected. Three had been tested on a previous occasion when they were also unaffected.
What a difference a week makes, for the weekend following what was a very cold and miserable WELKS had the majority of the country basking in sunshine. It was certainly like that down in the South East Corner where South Of England Gundog Club had their open show at Maidstone. The Gordon Judge was James Newton and he found his BOB in Thelda Bryant and Olivia Danks-Kemish’s Kilnrae Hallmark. RBOB went to Linda, Nicola and Paul Johnston’s Laurelhach Lightning at Glenquin. Two puppies were entered but did not attend. Thelda has let me know that Boomer’s wins at this show gave him the final points he needed for his JW. Also he has been DNA tested clear for PRA and has a hip score of 4/3 (7).
On the day of SKC we went to Christchurch & New Forest Open Show where the Gordon judge was Nigel Worth (Sarabande). Our Kyuna Olympic Arrow of Tymora, Fletcher, went BOB, RBOB was Liz Ede’s Glenarden Martlet and BP was Elaine Roberts and Carole and Maurice Watson’s Kyuna Dream of Magic at Moonglade who later went Puppy Group 4.
It was one of those shows where some Judges had lots of breeds to judge. For instance, Nigel Worth was judging 8 of the 11 Gundog breeds scheduled, plus AVNSC Gundog, AV Gundog, the Group, the Puppy Group and RBOB in the Group. He did take only a short lunch break but AVNSC Gundog, in which we had our Field Spaniel (Tango) entered, did not get in the ring until well after 3.00pm (judging started at 9.30am). Tango did well, going best AVNSC and Group 2. We eventually left the show, after the group, puppy group and RBOB in group had been judged, at around 5.30pm.
One judge, who had not started judging some of her breeds until quite late, still had 4 breeds to do, then that group etc had to be judged so goodness knows when BIS went in the ring. We have heard that some exhibitors did not get away from the Show until around 8.00pm! We were quite glad our Field had not won the Group!! On the up side, it was a lovely day weather wise so very pleasant to sit in the sun with a gentle breeze to keep the temperature at a comfortable level.
Laura Millar writes that at Carluke & District on 26 May where the Judge was Jean Fairlie (Tasairgid), BOB was Mrs Macgregor’s Somerled Glen Urquart. Then on 27 May at Cambuslang CC, under Judge David Howarth (Arkview/Moorbrook), BOB was Laura’s Yennadon Benriach.
David Alcorn has also written to say that at North Riding Gundog on 27 May, where the Judge was Jim Richardson, BOB went to Mr McAvoy’s Laurelhach Bemm and then David awarded him Group 4. Well done to all.


At the Gordon Setter Club of Scotland Ch Show where the Judge was Pam Davies. DCC and BIS went to Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s Sh Ch/Multi Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein. This was his 4th this year and 20th overall.
BCC and RBIS was Jane Osborn’s Amscot Siena Spice which was her all important third making her the third new Sh Ch this year. Her other two CCs came from Angus Macara at Setter & Pointer last year and Frances Boxall at the GSA Ch Show this year.
RBCC went to Jean Collins-Pitman’s Amscot Love Is In The Air JW and BPIS was Debra and Tony Harker’s Hernwood Achilles at Ettrick which was his fifth such award.
A few more details from the GSCS Ch Show: the entry was 104 making 132, the total being split between 58 dogs and 74 bitches. Absentees were 7 and 14 respectively. RDCC went to Anthony Burke’s Ecameadow The Explorer who received this same award the last time Pam Davies judged at the GSA Show in 2016. BVIS went to Lesley and Steve Robson’s Sh Ch Laurelhach Limited Edition at Yohenoak; BSpVIS was Maggy Halliday’s Ch Yennadon The Druid JW and BFTIS went to Nicky Ackerley-Kemp’s Ch Yennadon Time For Daisy.
The day started off a little bit cold at Birmingham National but as time went on it warmed up to a very comfortable temperature for humans and dogs. We were in the Pavilion on grass and there were heavy plastic walkways put down on the way into the arena and all round the benching areas and round the rings. I believe there had been some rain earlier in the week but you wouldn’t have known it and round the rings it stopped the chairs sinking into the grass. I believe that the Stafford County Show is due to be held at the Showground at the end of May so I suppose that as well as making it better for the National it saved the ground for the County Show.
Our Judge was Michele Day who was awarding CCs to Gordons for the first time. Her entry was 87 making 92, made up from 37 (41) dogs and 49 (51) bitches plus one NFC. Absentees were 5 dogs and 7 bitches.
DCC together with BOB went to David Alcorn, José Baddeley and David Crowther’s Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW (Absaaronem Eleys Fuzzbuzz x Sh Ch Birchgarth Fools Gold with L). This was his first this year and brings his overall total to 44.
BCC was also a first this year and a second overall for Sue and Fred Evans Burroughtof Dark Amber von Langstrumpf. She was bred in July 2015 by Enid and Geoff Mawby and is by Lainnireach Highland Mist x Glenarden Blackburn Skua.
RDCC brought a new dog to top awards when Michele awarded it to Jan Gunnery’s Clohass Flyin Ace, handled on the day by Helen Upton. He was bred by Christine Clark in October 2013 and is by Liric Freeflight to Beminah x Sh Ch Dunfionn Onich of Clohass. RBCC went to Peggy Seymour’s Pegasett Black N’Tantrum. Homebred in December 2010, she is by Sh Ch Hernwood Diamond Rock JW ShCM x Pegasett Highland Wispa. She also went Best Veteran.
On the day before his first Birthday, BP was a 6th such award for Debra and Tony Harker’s Hernwood Achilles at Ettrick and to round off his puppy career in style he later went 4th in the Puppy Group. His brother, H Apollo, owned by Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis, also had a fine end to his puppy career for he won the day’s heat of the Eukanuba Puppy Stakes.
At SKC the Judge was Jock Mackay and he had an entry of 74 making 80 which was the highest entry at this show for a good few years. The total entry in the breed classes was 75 split between 31 dogs and 44 bitches. Absentees were 5 and 6 respectively.
DCC and BOB was a fifth this year and 21st overall for Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s Sh Ch/Ita/Int Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein (Aus Ch Triseter Celtic Ice x Ita/IntEur/World Ch Ludstar Velsheda).
BCC was awarded to Annette Mappin’s homebred Bryerdale Texas Star JW making her the third new bitch Sh Champion this year. Born in January 2014 she is by Bryerdale Oor Cantona x Bryerdale Not On Ur. Her previous two CCs were awarded by Robert Suchett-Kaye at Southern Counties in 2016 and Peter Sandiford at National Gundog in 2017.
RDCC was a second this year for Connie and Ian Ford’s Liric Fusilier with Shillay JW ShCM, a son of the DCC winner x Liric As Good As It Gets, who was born in December 2015.
RBCC was also a second this year for Jean Collins-Pitman’s Int/Ger Ch Storskogens Amor Joy of Amscot. She was bred in November 2013 by Mrs B Jonsson and is by Yukki Hill Mesmerizer for Silent North x A Gone With The Wind.
BP was a second this year for Karen Marsh’s Lignum Black Lightning at Kilnrae who was bred in May last year by Angie and Guy Palliser and is by Sh Ch Laurelhach Limited Edition at Yohenoak x Ordett Mai Tai by Lignum. BV was awarded to Lynn Jamieson and Kate and Jennifer Macara’s Glenfinnan Dreamlover. She was bred by Lynn in May 2010 and is by Sh Ch Cromasaig Forever Loyal JW x Cromasaig Italian Gift to Glenfinnan. In the Stakes classes, Mr & Mrs Miller’s brace were placed second.
We arrived at Bath in light rain but this soon ceased and although there were a couple of short showers during the morning it basically remained dry although a little damp underfoot and it was very chilly. We heard from someone on one of the stands that a thunderstorm was expected about 1.0pm. However, at around 1.0pm the sun came out. I don’t know how long it stayed out for we left about 2.30pm but it made the journey home more pleasant.
At home in Bromley we had the most horrendous storm in the evening with incredible lightning and thunder and rain which came down in stair rods, and we said we hoped it would not travel down to Bath. A friend who was due to exhibit on the Monday, told me on the Sunday that she had seen pictures on FB taken at the show on the Sunday showing rain cascading off the tents, so it seems it did. The Bath showground is extremely well drained but I doubt even it could cope with the amount of rain the FB picture seemed to show
Russell Mosedale was our judge and he had an entry of 69 making 76. This was split between 31 (35) dogs and 34 (41) bitches with 3 NFC and 1 entered only in a stakes class. Absentees were 3 in each sex.
DCC & BOB once again went to Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s Multi Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein (Aus Ch Triseter Celtic Ice x Ita/IntEur/World Ch Ludstar Velsheda). This was his 6th this year and his 22nd overall.
BCC was a first time in the top awards for Maureen Justice’s homebred Liric Nostalgia J W. She was born in March 2016 and is by Sh Ch Lochfain An Aus Approach to Glenmaurangi JW x Liric Rhapsody In Blu.
RDCC was also a first time in the top awards for Debra and Tony Harker’s young boy, Hernwood Achilles at Ettrick (Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW x Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso Goddess JW ShCM) who was bred by Chris and Peter Sandiford in May last year.
Russell awarded the RBCC to Jane Osborn’s recently crowned Amscot Siena Spice JW (Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM x Amscot Country Pursuits of Boyers) bred by Jean Collins-Pitman in December 2015.
Maureen Justice also went BP with her Ludstar La La Land to Liric. She was bred by Michele Ivaldi in August last year and is by Ludstar Grissom x Carnousti Anitila Ludstar. BV was Carol Moore’s homebred Sh Ch Gadhelic Spirit Of The Celt JW (Ch Yennadon The Druid JW x Capledrae Spirit O’Fife at Gadhelic) who was born in April 2010. Last but not least, Best Special Beginner was Gill Powell’s Kimgilee Maori Secret (Kimgilee Kahika plays Siochanna x Kimgilee Hipi) who was born in February 2016.
Shows are coming thick and fast now. On 2 June it is the BGSC Open Show and then Starting with Southern Counties on 3 June there is a Ch show every weekend until E of England on 7 July. There is then a break of a couple of weekends, on one of which it is the GSA Open Show, and then from 28 July (Leeds) through to 21 September (Driffield) there is a Ch show every weekend again, in fact two on one weekend when there is Paignton on a Saturday and NGA on the following Sunday.. We do not, of course, have CCs at Paignton and Driffield this year but that will change next year when we have them back at both shows. Things do not slow down much after that as between 7 October and 10 November there are another 6 Ch Shows, admittedly at two there are no CCs on offer, then the GSCS Open show on 11 November. Finally a gap of about a month until LKA. Then it will all start again in January!
Hilary Tye Tel: 0208 4602049 E-mail: hilary@tymora.o

On 2 June, the day before SCCA, it was the BGSC Open Show at Cheddington, judged by Anthony Burke. My thanks to Karen Marsh for providing me with a marked up copy of the catalogue, from which I see the entry was 61 making 82 split between 25 (33) dogs and 36 (49) bitches. Absentees were 6 and 13 respectively.
Anthony found his BIS in his BB winner, Chris and Peter Sandiford and Nikki Keen’s Hernwood Luna Eclipse JW (Sh Ch Hernwood Talladega Racer JW ShCM x Hernwood Gipsy Rose). RBIS and BD also went to Chris and Peter with their and Claire Lewis’s Benbuie Rock On to Hernwood JW (Sh Ch Hernwood Diamond Rock JW ShCM x Hernwood Rambling Rose over Benbuie).
RBB was Linda, Paul and Nicky Johnston’s Laurelhach Lightning at Glenquin (Dt Ch Laurelhach Moviestar x Sh Ch/Aus Ch Triseter Ebonie Zena with Laurelhach) and RBD went to Sue and Chris Mitchell’s Roydack Ruby Hidden Gem at Brobruick JW (Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW x Roydack Loves A Blazin).
BP was Maureen Justice’s Ludstar La La Land to Liric (Ludstar Grissom x Carnousti Antlia Ludstar) with Reserve BP going to Toni Michalak’s Kyuna Dream Merchant (Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM x Kyuna Believe In Magic by Moonglade JW).
BVIS went to Maggy Halliday’s Ch Yennadon The Druid JW (Sh Ch Dunfionn Inverkip x Ch Yennadon Time For Tavy) with BOS Veteran going to Sonja Upton-Lovett and Helen Upton’s Roydack Blazin A Trail (Sh Ch Roydack Papaoscar JW x Roydack O Four Edition JW).
Maggy Halliday won Brace; Best Feet were owned by Roydack Ruby Hidden Gem at Brobruick JW and Best Colour went to Margaret and John Davies Hernwood Athena at Herrera.

The same weekend as Blackpool it was Eastbourne & DCS Open show where the Breed was judged by Martyn Rees (Tyndale). BOB was our Fletcher, Kyuna Olympic Arrow of Tymora ShCM and RBOB was Thelda Bryant’s Baloo, Muckypups D’Artagnan JW ShCM. There were two puppies entered but neither was present – well one was there but having had a disagreement with a tree a day or so previously he was not shown!

It was very hot at SCCA – thank goodness for the in/out tents. Jeff Horswell was awarding CCs to the Breed for the first time. His entry was down in the catalogue as 77 making 97 but in the Breed classes I can only make 74 making 88. I know there was a problem with some paper entries going missing so maybe there were some who were affected by this that did not turn up. We were an affected entry, hence we did not appear in the catalogue but I have accounted for this addition. The entry of 74/88 was split between 35 (42) dogs and 39 (46) bitches with absentees of 2 and 4 respectively.
DCC & BOB was a 7th this year and a 23rd overall for Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s Multi Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein (Aus Ch Triseter Celtic Ice x Ita/IntEur/World Ch Ludstar Velsheda). He later went third in the Group under Gordon Haran.
BCC was a second at consecutive shows for Maureen Justice’s homebred Liric Nostalgia JW (Sh Ch Lochfain An Aus Approach to Glenmaurangi JW x Liric Rhapsody In Blu) and it was also a second BP award at consecutive shows for Maureen’s Ludstar La La Land to Liric (Ludstar Grissom x Carnousti Antlia Ludstar).
RDCC was a second this year for David Alcorn, José Baddeley and David Crowther’s Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW (Absaaronem Eleys Fuzzbuzz x Sh Ch Birchgarth Fools Gold with L). RBCC was a first this year for Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso Goddess JW ShCM (Sh Ch Hernwood Talladega Racer JW ShCM x Hernwood Gipsy Rose). BV went to Lesley and Steve Robson’s Sh Ch Laurelhach Limited Edition at Yohenoak (Dt Ch Laurelhach Moviestar x Sh Ch/Aus Ch Triseter Enbonie Zena with Laurelhach). He is now eight having been bred by Frances Boxall in March 2010.
In the Stakes classes, Connie and Ian Ford’s Liric Fusilier with Shillay JW ShCM came 2nd in the RCC winners Stakes and Linda Hall’s Melview Moving Time JW came 4th in the Members’ Stakes.
Not a bad day at Three Counties – a bit of cloud and then some sun but with a breeze to keep the temperature comfortable. Our Judge was Stella Woodhouse and she had an entry of 90 making 94 with 1 NFC. This was made up from 43 (45) dogs and 47 (49) bitches with absentees of 10 and 7 respectively.
Three shows, three CCs – and this time with BOB – so making her the fifth new Sh Ch this year (1 dog, 4 bitches) for Maureen Justice’s homebred Liric Nostalgia JW (Sh Ch Lochfain An Aus Approach to Glenmaurangi JW x Liric Rhapsody In Blu) who was born in March 2016. Her other two CCs came, of course, at Bath from Russell Mosedale and SCCA from Jeff Horswell. It was also three shows, three BP awards for Maureen’s Ludstar La La Land to Liric (Ludstar Grissom x Carnousti Antlia Ludstar). She was later shortlisted in the Puppy Group.
DCC was a first this year and fifth overall for Lesley and Steve Robson’s Sh Ch Laurelhach Limited Edition at Yohenoak, who came to the challenge from the Veteran Dog class. He was bred by Frances Boxall in March 2010 and is by Dt Ch Laurelhach Moviestar x Sh Ch/Aus Ch Triseter Ebonie Zena with Laurelhach.
RBCC was a second this year for Jane Osborn’s recently crowned Sh Ch Amscot Siena Spice JW, which was the same award she received at this show last year. Bred by Jean Collins-Pitman in December 2016 she is by Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM x Amscot Country Pursuits of Boyers.
RDCC was a third this year for Connie and Ian Ford’s Liric Fusilier with Shillay JW ShCM (Multi Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein x Liric As Good As It Gets) who was bred by Maureen Justice in December 2015.
In the Mim Clay Memorial Open Stakes, judged by Jinty Gill-Davis, first was Chris and Bill Butler’s Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM. In the Higham Press/ Special Junior Stakes, third was Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Hernwood Apollo.

Jill Dixon officiated at Border Union. Her entry was down as 74 making 91 but in the breed classes as taken from the internet the total entry was 84 made up from 38 dogs and 46 bitches. Absentees were 3 and 4 respectively.
It was a first CC this year, together with BOB, for Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso Goddess and this brings her overall total to 33. Homebred in August 2011 she is by Sh Ch Hernwood Talladega Racer JW ShCM x Hernwood Gipsy Rose. She was later shortlisted in the Group.
Jill started a new dog on the CC path when she awarded the DCC to Anthony Burke’s homebred Ecameadow The Explorer. Born in July 2013 he is by Shehallion Spice Trader x Castlegraham Midnight Sky over Ecameadow. He is not new to top awards having previously won a couple of RCCs.
RBCC was Kate, Angus and Jennifer Macara’s Sh Ch Cromasaig Bedazzled JW which was a first for her this year. Homebred in August 2013 she is by Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW x Cromasaig Little Star. RDCC was another first this year when Jill awarded it to Linda Hall’s homebred Melview Moving Time JW. He was born in October 2014 and is by Sh Ch Lochfain An Aus Approach to Glenmaurangi JW x Melview Falling Leaves and has previously won a RCC.
BP went to Mr & Mrs Tillett’s Fieldtalk’s Lady In Red who later went Puppy Group 4. I cannot find any record of her breeding so assume she may have been imported and her details have not yet appeared in the KC Breed Supplement.
The only Gordon I could see placed in a Stakes Class was Chris and Peter Sandiford’s Hernwood Aphrodite who was VHC in the Novice Stakes.

At Blackpool Brian Limpus was judging. His entry was shown as 62 making 81 and taken from the results on the internet there were 31 dog entries and 42 bitch entries with absentees of 3 and 9 respectively.
Repeating her win at this show last year when she gained her crowning 3rd CC was Frances Boxall’s Sh Ch Laurelhach Entrapment JW. However, on this occasion she also went BOB. It was her 2nd CC this year and her 6th overall. Homebred in March 2014 she is by Triseter Celtic Link with Laurelhach (imp) x Sh Ch Laurelhach Legacy JW.
DCC was a new name in the frame this year when it was awarded to Chris and Bill Butler’s Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM. However, he is certainly not new to the top awards for he already has 1 CC and several RCCs. Bred by Nicky Ackerley-Kemp in February 2014, he is by Drumdaroch The Xpat to Liric (imp Aus) x Ch Yennadon Time For Daisy.
RBCC was a first time in the green cards for Nicky Ackerley-Kemp’s Yennadon Reiver. Homebred in December 2013 she is by Yennadon Carrick of Clacorick x Yennadon Mallin. RDCC was a dog definitely not new to top awards when it went to David Alcorn, José Baddeley and David Crowther’s Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW (Absaaronem Eleys Fuzzbuzz x Sh Ch Birchgarth Fools Gold with L). This was his third this year.
The partnership of David A, David C, and Kate, Angus and Jennifer Macara took home the BP award with Lourdace Headhunted by Cromasaig. He was bred by David and José Baddeley in November last year and is by Cromasaig Dazzling Vision x Lourdace Field Of Gold.
Blackpool Show declares a Best Junior in Breed and this went to Jean Collins-Pitman’s Amscot Love Is In The Air JW. Bred by Jean in January 2017 she is a daughter of the DCC winner x Int/Ger VDH Ch Storskogens Amor Joy of Amscot (imp Swe). She was also placed 2nd in the Junior Stakes. Also placed VHC in this Junior Stakes class was Debra and Tony Harker’s Hernwood Achilles at Ettrick.
Monthly (July) Notes for BGSC Website 2018 (07)
The results of the BGSC 100 Club June and July draws were: the June draw took place at Windsor and resulted in £50 (no 48) Mrs D Goodall. Both the £15 (no 87) and £10 (no 98), numbers were unallocated. The July draw was done at East of England and the result there was £50 (no 65) Liz Ede; £15 (no 58 ) Mrs S A Yandle and £10 (no 63) Liz Ashton.
On 5th August John Mawer celebrated his 90th Birthday. I know a card was signed by many Gordoners at Leeds and I have no doubt many of you sent cards individually.
At Windsor the fourteenth set of CCs were awarded so this was exactly half way through the year’s allocation. Next year, of course, we will have 30 sets of CCs so the half way stage will be East Of England. I therefore thought I would do a round-up of results at the half-way stage.
Five new Sh Chs have been crowned – 1 dog and four bitches. These are: Jocelyn Ness’s Liric Souvenir JW at the GSA show in April; Ramsey Nagaty’s Forester’s Xclusive Edition of Darkmoor at Marlbeck at WELKS; Jane Osborn’s Amscot Siena Spice JW at the GSCS show in May; Annette Mappin’s Bryerdale Texas Star JW at SKC in May and Maureen Justice’s Liric Nostalgia JW at Three Counties in June.
Top CC winner is Sh Ch/Multi Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein with 8 and runner up is Sh Ch Liric Nostalgia JW with 4. Two other bitches won 2 CCs each and these are Sh Ch Laurelhach Entrapment JW and Sh Ch Amscot Siena Spice JW. 6 other bitches and 6 other dogs won 1 CC apiece.
Top winning puppy is Debra and Tony Harker’s Hernwood Achilles at Ettrick with 6 followed by Maureen Justice’s Ludstar La La Land to Liric with 4.
RCCs were won by 9 different dogs, 3 of which also had a CC, and 11 different bitches, 3 of which also had a CC. In dogs, top RCC winner is Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW with 3, followed by Liric For Your Eyes Only by Yohenoak with 2. In bitches, top RCC winner is Sh Ch Amscot Siena Spice JW with 3, followed by VDH&Int Ch Storskogens Amor Joy of Amscot with 2.
Last but by no means least, there have been 4 JW winners so far this year and these are: Amscot Love Is In The Air; Kilnrae Hallmark; Cairacailie Night Of Love with Ordett and Yennadon Benriach.

At Kingston CS Open Show on 15 July the Breed was judged by Sarah Loakes (Goldbirch). BOB went to Louis Poynter’s Hernwood Thunderstorm with RBOB to our Kyuna Olympic Arrow of Tymora ShCM. There were no puppies entered.
On the same day it was the GSA Open with Judith Rand judging. Her entry was 32 making 51 made up from 15 (22) dogs and 17 (29) bitches. Absentees were 1 and 3 respectively. Judith found her BIS in Vicki Lines’ Flaxheath Just For Me, with RBIS going to Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Benbuie Rock On to Hernwood
Chris and Peter, in partnership with Nikki Keens, also won RBB with Hernwood Luna Eclipse JW. RBD went to Liz Ashton’s Foresters Xcalibur of Darkmoor mit Gadieburn.
BP was Rachel and Ken Horler’s Hernwood Jack O’Lantern by Rackens and Best Opposite Sex Puppy to Annmarie Warren’s Benbuie Quantum of Solace. BV went to Jan Gunnery’s Beminah Sweet Dreams with BOS Veteran to Maggy Halliday’s Ch Yennadon The Druid JW.
Peter Rand was the Judge at Hampshire Gundog Society Show where the entry was 14 making 18 with three absentees. His BOB was Hernwood Luna Eclipse JW with RBOB Benbuie Rock On to Hernwood and BP Hernwood Jack O’Lantern by Rackens. Luna Eclipse then went on to BIS under Sharon Littlechild (Ravensett) so the Hernwoods had a very successful day.
Laura Miller has written to say that at Paisley and District Open Show, Yennadon Benriach won PG, was BOB and then Gundog Group 3.

It was very, very hot at Windsor – once again thank goodness for the in-out tents. Graham Lambert was our Judge and his entry was 63 making 75 made up from 30 (36) dogs and 32 (39) bitches with 1 NFC. Absentees were 6 and 8 respectively.
BCC and BOB was the icing on the cake for Maureen Justice’s Sh Ch Liric Nostalgia JW for it was her fourth, all won this year, so consolidating her title.
DCC was an eighth this year, 24th overall, for Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s Multi Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein.
RBCC was a third this year for Jane Osborn’s Sh Ch Amscot Siena Spice JW This is, of course, in addition to her 2 CCs.
DRCC went to Lesley and Steve Robson’s Liric For Your Eyes Only by Yohenoak JW. This was his second this year.
BP was a fourth such award for Maureen’s Ludstar La La Land to Liric. BV was Lesley and Steve Robson’s Sh Ch Laurelhach Limited Edition at Yohenoak and he later went third in the Gundog Veteran Group. Best Sp Beginner went to Graylacier Portreath who was handled by Stacey Matthewson on behalf of her Sister Julie Britton.
I did not go to East of England this year but I should imagine it was once again a very hot show. Last year, I remember, we were scheduled to be in an outside ring (rather small) with absolutely no shade around it. Helen Upton, who was awarding CCs for the first time, decided this was not acceptable and so we went in to our designated inside ring which was much larger and in an airy building. I do hope you are all coping with this heat. I must say I do not like it and am looking forward to some rain! The dogs seem to be OK and fortunately the main area we walk them has a river flowing through it. Their walks are a bit shorter but at least they can cool off.
Jenny Miller was judging at East of England and her entry is shown as 63 making 86 (very similar to Windsor). Taken from the internet the split appears to be 35 dog entries and 41 bitch entries with 5 and 12 absentees respectively. There is no mention of the Special Beginners’ bitch class so I presume there were either no entries or none turned up. Fosse do make me cross when they just omit any reference to a class if there are no entries or all are absent. Highams always mention every class, whether or not there are entries, which makes keeping records much easier.
DCC and BOB was a second this year for David Alcorn, José Baddeley and David Crowther’s Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW. This is the same award he received at this show last year and brings his overall total to 45. He was later short-listed in the Group.
BCC was a third this year and seventh overall for Frances Boxall’s Sh Ch Laurelhach Entrapment JW.
RDCC went to Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s Multi Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein. This is his first this year but he has, of course, won 8 CCs.
RBCC was awarded to Chris and Peter Sandiford and Nikki Keen’s Hernwood Luna Eclipse JW. She is not new to top awards having won a CC last year.
BP was once again Maureen Justice’s Ludstar La La Land to Liric (imp) This was her 5th such award. BV went to Peggy Seymour’s Pegasett Black N Tantrum. She later went 3rd in the Gundog Veteran Group. Finally Best Sp Beginner was won by Mrs Knight’s Benbuie Thorntree.
I have not been to Leeds Ch Show for ages and still did not go this year as Sandra and Peter took our dogs up. I did notice on the show plan in the schedule that they now have in/out tents. They are a boon in inclement weather, which I gather it was at Leeds, although I believe the rain did stop for a while. I also gather there were long queues to get into the showground with some exhibitors only just making their classes despite judging being delayed. Hopefully this will be sorted out before next year when the Leeds show becomes a representative show when all breeds will have classes so one would imagine there will be a larger entry.
Kathryne Wrigley was judging and she had an entry of 74 making 89 which was split between 31 (39) dogs and 43 (50) bitches with ju
Hilary Tye Tel: 0208 4602049 E-mail: hilary@tymora
Breed notes August 2018
Highland Wispa.
DCC was a 10th this year for Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s Multi Ch Ludstar Frederick
Frankenstein (Aus Ch Triseter Celtic Ice x Ita/IntEur/World Ch Ludstar Velsheda), which brings his total to 26.
RBCC went to Jane Osborn’s Sh Ch Amscot Siena Spice JW (Yennadon Lochan at
Rubymoon JW ShCM x Amscot Country Pursuits of Boyers), which is the same award she
received at this show last year. This is her fourth RCC this year and she has, of course, also won 2 CCs.
RDCC was also a fourth this year for David Alcorn, José Baddeley and David Crowther’s
Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW (Absaaronem Eleys Fuzzbuzz x Sh Ch Birchgarth Fools Gold with L). He too has also had 2 CCs this year.
BP was a 6th such award for Maureen Justice’s Ludstar La La Land to Liric (imp) (Ludstar
Grissom x Carnousti Antlia Ludstar). BV was, of course, Pegasett Black N Tantrum and Best
Special Beginner was Mr & Mrs Hudson’s Longrow Bohemian Rhapsody at Robvale. He was bred by Liz and Barry Williams in January 2017 and is by Graylacier Royal Liaison with Longrow x Longrow I Love To Boogie JW.
Quite a few Gordons were entered in the Stakes classes and had some success.
Hernwood Achilles at Ettrick won the Junior d/b stakes; Sue and Chris Mitchell’s Roydack Ruby
Hidden Gem at Brobruick JW came 2
in the Good Citizen Dog Scheme Stakes; Jean Collins-
Pitman’s Amscot Love Is In The Air was 2nd in the Yearling Bitch Stakes and Multi Ch Ludstar Don Corleone who is owned by Sylvia Timmermann, Rhonda Cornum and Cheryl Mika was 2
nd in the Special Working Gundog – dog – class.
Another Gordoner to do well in a stakes class, although not with a Gordon but with her
other Breed, was Carol Moore who won the Brace Stakes with her Field Spaniels. Well done to everyone.
Karen Marsh was judging at BOURNEMOUTH where she had an entry of 57 making 63. This was
made up from 26/32 dogs and 29/31 bitches plus 2 NFC. Absentees were 3 dogs (plus 2 repeat
absentees) and 2 (plus 1 repeat absentee) bitches.
Karen found her BOB in her DCC winner, David Alcorn, José Baddeley and David
Crowther’s Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW (Absaaronem Eleys Fuzzbuzz x Sh Ch Birchgarth Fools
Gold with L). This was his 3
CC this year and is the same award he received at this show last
year. It brings his overall total to 46. He later went 3rd in the Group.
Gaining her crown with a 3rd CC was Angie and Guy Palliser and Lesley Robson’s Lignum
Tornado JW. Bred by Angie and Guy in September 2015, she is by Dunfionn Portsoy x Ordett Mai Tai by Lignum. Her previous CCs came from Aidine Howes at WKC last year and from Tony Green at Scottish Breeds this year. Lesley had a good day for RDCC went to her and Steve’s Sh Ch Laurelhach Limited Edition at Yohenoak (Dt Ch Laurelhach Moviestar x Sh Ch & Aus Ch Triseter Ebonie Zena with Laurelhach) who also went BV. Not his first time in the green cards this year for he won the DCC at Three Counties.
RBCC was a second this year for Frances Boxall’s Sh Ch Laurelhach Entrapment JW
(Triseter Celtic Link with Laurelhach x Sh Ch Laurelhach Legacy JW). She has, of course, also won 4 CCs this year. Strangely enough, when Lignum Tornado won her 2
nd CC at Scottish Breeds this year, Entrapment won the RCC on that occasion too.
BP was a first for Jenny, Bob and Katherine Robert’s homebred Cairacailie Spice Of Life.
He was born in November last year and is by Marshmoor Black Jack x Sh Ch Cairacailie Devoted JW.
Best Special Beginner was Mr Whiting’s Locksheath True Baloo. She was bred by Fran
Bastable in June 2016 and is by Muckypup’s D’Artagnan x Locksheath Unforgettable.
In the Royal Canin Junior Dog Stakes, judged by Janet Richards, Hernwood Achilles at
Ettrick was placed 5th
. Debra confirmed to me at the show that he had gained the final point he
needed for his JW at the recent Hampshire Gundog show. He therefore makes the 6th JW winner this year.
The same weekend as Bournemouth it was the WORLD SHOW in Amsterdam. Jean Collins-
Pitman has written: “I took Amscot Love Is In The Air JW – Vegas – and her dam, Int and German VDH Ch Storskogens Amor Joy of Amscot, Raina, to Amsterdam for all the 3 days of the WDS. Raina was graded excellent at all shows and was 1st Champions bitch class on the second day with the Res CAC
“Vegas was graded excellent and won the Intermediate bitch class over each of the 3 days,
but at the World Dog Show, she won the CAC, the CACIB, and BOB. Vegas is only 18 months
old. She has also recently qualified for the Junior Warrant Semi Finals to be held at Discover Dogs in October “You can imagine how thrilled we are! Vegas was handled by Sarah Loakes and Raina by Silvia Timmermann.” What a great few days Jean & Co had. Well done.

At WKC, Ludovica Salamon was awarding CCs to the Breed for the first time. Her entry was 65 making 73 made up from 23 (26) dogs and 42 (47) bitches. Absentees were 2 and 9 respectively.Ludodvica started two new dogs on the title trail when she awarded the DCC & BOB to Connie and Ian Ford’s Liric Fusilier with Shillay JW, ShCM and the BCC to Jean Collins-Pitman’s Amscot Love Is In The Air JW. Fusilier was bred by Maureen Justice in December 2016 and is by Multi Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein x Liric As Good As It Gets. He is not new to top awards having already won several RCCS.
Love Is In The Air was homebred in January 2017 and is by Yennadon Lochan at
Rubymoon JW ShCM x Int/Ger VDH Ch Storskogens Amor Joy of Amscot. She too is not new to top awards having won a RCC earlier this year and, of course, she did so well at the World Show.
RDCC was a second at consecutive shows for Lesley and Steve Robson’s Sh Ch
Laurelhach Limited Edition at Yohenoak and, of course, he has also won one CC this year. He
also went BV in Breed. RBCC brought a new bitch to the top awards when it was awarded to
Marian Thomas’s Graylacier Charlie’s Angel at Glynderys JW. She was bred by Claire White in May 2016 and is by Graylacier Royal Sovereign of Cairacailie x Graylacier Royal Elegance. BP went to Mr & Mrs Tillett’s Fieldtalk’s Lady In Red (imp Deu) whichwas her second such award. She was bred by Ms’ B Smith-Horn and C Schwarz in November 2017and is by Laurelhach Encrypt x Germ Ch Fieldtalk’s Hooly-Dooly.
WKC held an AV Vulnerable Breed Stakes and I see that Debra and Tony Harker’s
Hernwood Achilles at Ettrick JW won the Junior dog/bitch class.
Jean Collins-Pitman was judging at SKC where her entry was shown as 52 making 62. Taken
from the results on the internet it looks as though the total entry in the Breed classes was 56 made up from 24 dogs and 32 bitches with absentees of 4 and 3 respectively.
A seventh new Sh Ch this year was made up when Jean awarded the DCC to Chris and Bill
Butler’s Yennadon Lochanat Rubymoon JW ShCM. He is only the second dog to gain a title this year, the other five all being bitches. Bred by Nicky Ackerley-Kemp in February 2014 he is by Drumdaroch The Xpat to Liric x Ch Yennadon Time For Daisy. His previous CCs came from Aidine Howes at WKC last year and Brian Limpus at Blackpool this year.
Winning the same award as at this show last year but this time with BOB was Chris and
Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso Goddess JW ShCM (Sh Ch
Hernwood Talladega Racer JW ShCM x Hernwood Gipsy Rose). It seems incredible that as I write these notes she is now a veteran having been born on 28 August 2011. This was her second CC this year and brings her total to 34.
The Hernwoods had a good day for their and Nikki Keen’s Hernwood Luna Eclipse JW won
the RBCC which was her second this year. Born in July 2015 she is a full younger sister to
Calypso Goddess.
RDCC went to Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s Multi Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein (Aus
Ch Triseter Celtic Ice x Ita/IntEur/World Ch Ludstar Velsheda), which was his second this year. He won the CC at this show last year.
It would seem there were a lot of ‘seconds’ being won at this show! However, the BP
winner broke the mould by taking home a third BP award. This was Sue Tillett’s Fieldtalk’s Lady In Red (imp Deu) (Laurelhach Encrypt x Germ Ch Fieldtalk’s Hooly-Dooly). Also as a one off was the BV winner which was Caroline Pearce’s Ardnadam Red Kite. Homebred in January 2010 he is by Boyers Strauss x Ardnadam Nam Aonar.
HILARY TYE Tel: 0208 4602049 E-mail:
Monthly (Sept) Notes for BGSC Website 2018 (09)
At City of Birmingham Show Chris & Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Hernwood Apollo won the
final points he needed for his Junior Warrant. This makes him the sixth Gordon to gain this award
so far this year.
Chris Butler emailed to say that she and Bill would like to say a huge thank you to everyone for the
cards and messages received in regards to Lochan becoming a show champion. Also, of course,
to Nicky for letting them have him and the judges for awarding him his CCs and RCCs. A dream
come true she says and that they are still smiling!
We now know quite a number of the judges for 2019 so here they are: Manchester – Robert
Suchett-Kaye; Crufts – Yvonne Slaughter; Scottish Breeds – Margo Cowe; GSA – Michele Ivaldi
(dogs) and Sue Bateman (bitches); WELKS – Elwyn Evans; GSCS – Rhona Frew; Birmingham
National – Lesley Bain; SKC (May) – Lynne Jamieson; Bath – Moray Armstrong; SCCA – Hilary
Tye; Three Counties – Maggy Halliday; Blackpool – Patsy Hollings; Windsor – Linda King*; East
Of England – Diana Hammond; Paignton – Nicky Ackerley-Kemp; NGA – Carol Gill; Bournemouth
– Annette Mappin; SKC (Aug) – Peter Upton; City of Birmingham – Karin Sweryda*; Darlington –
Sylvia Bunting; South Wales – Marian Waddell*; BGSC – Esther Joseph; Setter & Pointer – Mary
Whitworth; GBAS – Jocelyn Ness; LKA – Sandra Tye. Those judges marked with an asterisk will
be awarding CCs to the Breed for the first time.
The breed Open Shows will be judged by: BGSC – Angela Backler; GSA – Christine Clark
and GSCS – David Alcorn. Boston Ch Show in January with no CCs will be judged by Jacqui
I make it that we are still waiting for confirmation of judgesfor 5 shows; Border Union;
Leeds; WKC; Richmond and Driffield (back with CCs next year).
Debra Harker writes that the hip score for her Hector (Hernwood Achilles at Ettrick) has come back
as 4:4, about which she is obviously very pleased.She says that she had his hips done in August
and was waiting for the results when someone at her ringcraft mentioned to look on the KC health
checker site – and there they were! She would not have thought of this and so thought it worth
mentioning so other people can also use this route.
Sue Mitchell writes: “The Midland Game Fair was held on the weekend of Darlington Dog Show –
and 16
September – and was supported by Carol Smith and Husband, Bob, on the Saturday
and then Carol made the journey to the show the following day in time for the Gordon Setter
Judging. Carol tells me that it was a well attended event but did not run a gundog parade which is
always a shame as the public do like to see all the well known and,of course, rarer gundog
breeds. Carol told me a little shopping was done whilst at the event and they were delighted with
“Sunday was the turn of Bryan and Jo Hill who experienced some footwear problems and had to
purchase a new pair of Wellingtons so Bryan could get around. I gather the pair purchased were
of excellentquality so oneChristmas presenthad been sorted.
“I gather from Carol and Bob, Bryan and Jo they hada super day and the dogs were great
ambassadors. I would like to thank all of them for taking time out to represent the breed this year
as they have all willingly done on past occasions.”
I noticed some FT results in the Pointer notesrecently from which I see that at the Gordon
Setter FT Society Partridge Trial on 3 September the Gun’s Choice was Mrs A Robinson’s Gordon,
Carnockmoor Sea Holley. At the Open Stake on 4 September COMs were awarded to Tilly
Thomas’s Chartan Treacle Tart and Chartan Hermione Grainger who was also best Gordon Setter.
Tilly was judging at the IGL Pointer & Setter Society on 5 Sept where the Gun’s Choice was Gill
Truman’s Wiscombe Level Spirit of Gawcott, handled by Sarah Chichester. The only other Gordon
I can see mentionedwas Sara Chichester’s Wiscombe JourneyJuice who won theGun’s Choice
at Mid Herts Gundog Club on 8 September.
I always like to mentionthe working side of the Breedso if there are any more results from
Field Trials, Working Trials etc please can someone let me know.
At Worthing & DCS Open Show on 16 September Peter Tye’s Kyuna Olympic Arrow of
Tymora ShCM went BOB and was then placed 4
in the Group. RBOB went to Thelda Bryant’s
Muckypup’s D’Artagnan JW ShCM. There were no puppies present. The Breed was judged by
Sue Tubb (Alsutu) and the Group by Yvonne Slaughter (Ordett).
Sue Gregg has written to say that Swindon CS is going to classify Gordons for the first time at their
open show on 2 March 2019(the weekend before Crufts). She is not sure who the judge will be
but this information should be on the Fosse Data site soon. She hopes that there will be some
interest from Gordoners to enter so that the Society continues to schedule the Breed at this show.
At South of England Gundog Club Open show on 23 September, BOB went to Jan Gunnery’s
Clohass Flyin Ace, RBOB to Linda, Paul and Nicky Johnston’s Gordon-Sett Style Heartbreaker for
Glenquin (Imp) and they also won BP with their homebred Glenquin Phoenix. The Judge was Sue
The entry for Sue Wrigley at CITY OF BIRMINGHAM show was 72 making 83. This was made up
from 32 (36) dogs and 38 (47) bitches with 2 NFC. Absentees were 7 and 9 respectively.
Sue found her BOB in her DCC winner, Toni Michalak’s Sh Ch Kyuna Calypso. This was
his second this year and brings his total to 5. He was bred by Carole andMaurice Watson in
November 2011 and is by Sh Ch Kilnrae French Connection avec Ettrick x Yarrowmarkers Dancin’
Queen with Kyuna.
BCC was the icing on the cake for Jane Osborn’s Sh Ch Amscot Siena Spice JW for it was
her fourth, thus consolidating her title. Bred by Jean Collins-Pitman in December 2015 she is by
Sh Ch Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM x Amscot Country Pursuits of Boyers.
RDCC was a second this year for Peter Tye’s Kyuna Olympic Arrow of Tymora ShCM.
Born in May 2012 he is a half brother to the CC winner having the same sire but x Kyuna Faerie
RBCC was a third this year for Frances Boxall’s Sh Ch Laurelhach Entrapment JW who has
also won 4 CCs this year.Homebred in March 2013 she is by Triseter Celtic Link with Laurelhach
x Sh Ch Laurelhach Legacy JW.
BP was once again Sue Tillett’s Fieldtalk’s Lady In Red (imp Deu) (Laurelhach Encrypt x
Germ Ch Fieldtalk’s Hooly-Dooly). This was her fourth BP award, the last three having been won
at consecutive shows.
BV went to Chris and Peter Sandiford andClaire Lewis’s Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso
Goddess JW ShCM (Sh Ch Hernwood Talladega Racer JW ShCM x Hernwood Gipsy Rose). I
mentioned in my noteslast weekthat I was amazed she is now a veteranso she has had a good
start in veteran classes as later she was placed second in the Gundog Veteran Group.
A Best Junior is declared at this show and this was awarded to Elaine Roberts and Carole
and Maurice Watson’s KyunaDream Of Magic at Moonglade.Bred by Carole and Maurice in July
last year, she is a half sister to the BCC winner havingthe same sire but x KyunaBelieve In Magic
by Moonglade JW.
A pleasant showing day at RICHMOND. A little chilly at first but then it warmed up nicely when the
sun came out. Jane Osborn was judging and her entry was 67 making 73 made up from 31 (33)
dogs and 36 (40) bitches. Absentees were 5 in each sex.
Repeating his win at this show last year, DCC & BOB went to Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s
Multi Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein (Aus Ch Triseter Celtic Ice x Ita/IntEur/World Ch Ludstar
Velsheda), and he then went on to Gp2. This was his 11
CC this year and brings his total to 27.
Jane awarded the BCC to Chris andPeter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Sh Ch Hernwood
Calypso Goddess JW ShCM (Sh Ch Hernwood Talladega Racer JW ShCM x Hernwood Gipsy
Rose). This was her third CC this year and brings her total to 35.She was also BV and later
came third in the Gundog Veteran Group.
RDCC was also a third this year for Lesley and Steve Robson’s Sh Ch Laurelhach Limited
Edition at Yohenoak (Dt Ch Laurelhach Moviestar x Sh Ch & Aus Ch Triseter Ebonie Zena with
RBCC brought a new name to the green cards when it was awarded to Jane Mugford’s
Pensylwania Black Lofty at Lynwood (imp). She was bred by Mrs E Wojcik-maksymiec in July
2016 and is by Yukki Hill Walk Of Fame to Fairray x Goango Black Essense.
BP was a second for Jenny, Bob and Katherine Robert’s homebred Cairacailie Spice Of
Life. He was born in November last year and is by Marshmoor Black Jack x Sh Ch Cairacailie
Devoted JW. Best Special Beginners was Mr Whiting’s Locksheath True Baloo. She was bred by
Fran Bastable in June 2016 and is by Muckypup’s D’Artagnan x Locksheath Unforgettable.
In the Stakes classes, the only Gordon name I could see was Louis Poynter’s Hernwood
Thunderstorm who came second in Good Citizens.
It was good to see Yvonne Hunt round the ring at Richmond. She told me she had had two
wonderful 100
Birthday celebrations, at both of which it would seem a fair amount of ‘bubbly’ was
drunk! But why not, special occasions like that should be memorable for all reasons!
Ben Bennett judged at DARLINGTON where he found his BOB in David Alcorn, José Baddeley
and David Crowther’s Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW (Absaaronem Eleys Fuzzbuzz x Sh Ch
Birchgarth Fools Gold with L). This was his 4
CC this year and brings his overall total to 47. He
later went 2
in the Group.
Ben’s entry was 62 making 67 and taking the latter figure this was split between 27 dogs
and 40 bitches. Absentees in bitches appear to have been 8 but when it comes to the dogs I am a
bit confused. The internet results show 3 absent but in Limit there were supposed to be 8 entries
and no absentees but the result of this class only goes down to Reserve. Can anyone please
enlighten me on this anomaly? If so I would be grateful.
BCC was a second for Jean Collins-Pitman’s VDH & Int Ch Storskogens Amor Joy of
Amscot. She was bred in November 2013 by Mrs B Jonsson and is by Yukki Hill Mesmerizer for
Silent North x A Gone With The Wind. She has also had 2 RCCs so far this year.
Jean had a good day for she also took home the RBCC for this went to her homebred
Amscot Love Is In The Air JW who is a daughter of the BCC winner by Yennadon Lochan at
Rubymoon JW ShCM. This was her second such award this year and, of course, she has also
had 1 CC.
RDCC was a 4
this year for Connie and Ian Ford’s Liric Fusilier with Shillay JW, ShCM
(Multi Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein x Liric As Good As It Gets). He has also won 1 CC this
BP was a third for Jenny, Bob and Katherine Robert’s homebred Cairacailie Spice Of Life.
(Marshmoor Black Jack x Sh Ch Cairacailie Devoted JW). BV was Peggy Seymour’s Pegasett
Black N’Tantrum (Sh Ch Hernwood Diamond Rock JW ShCM x Pegasett Highland Wispa).
At DRIFFIELDRachel Horler was judging the Breed on the last occasion therewill be no
CCs as, of course, we get them back at this show nextyear. Rachel’s entry was 18 split between
7 dogs and 11bitches.Unfortunately she finishedup with only two dogspresentand 9 bitches.
The weather just prior to the show and at the beginning of the show was not at all good so this
may have accounted for some of the absentees.
Rachel found her BOB in her BB, Chris andPeter Sandifordand Claire Lewis’s Sh Ch
Hernwood Calypso Goddess JW ShCM ((Sh Ch Hernwood Talladega Racer JW ShCM x
Hernwood Gipsy Rose). She later went second in the Group and won the Veteran Stakes. RBB
went to Judith and Peter Rand’s Hernwood Summer Eclipse at Kintalis who is a full younger sister
to the CC winner born in 2015.
BD was Stella Woodhouse’s Birchgarth Bill Bayley at Halbadier with RBD to his litter
brother Kath Cole and Sue Griffiths’ Birchgarth Both Barrels over Balcroft. Bred by Sue in May
2016, these two are by Dunfionn Portsoy x Lourdace Flair for Birchgarth.
There were no puppies and no veterans present and B Sp Beginners was Miss McQuillan’s
Kelsnnor Kissin Dynamite who was born in July 2016. She is by Ardnadam Red Kite x Dunfionn
Quean at Kelsnnor.
HILARY TYE Tel: 0208 4602049 E-mail:
I was so very sorry to hear that Bill Bunce had died. He was a great friend of Gordons and
awardedCCs to them – the last time being at GBAS last year. He was always a helpful presence
at Southern Counties CA Ch Show where he was Chief Steward and also had connections with
one of our local Open Show Societies, Eastbourne
It was Windsor Gundog on 3
Oct, where we had a very good day for both our Gordon and
our Field went BOB – the Field being in the last few for BIS. Gordons were judged by Angie Cairns
and her RBOB went to Karen Marsh’s Lignum Black Lightning at Kilnrae and her BP to Keith
Whiting’s Locksheath Princess Tiana. The weather was very pleasant at Kempton Park with some
warm sunshine and for once the wind did not howl across from the racecourse. At the show Chris
Sandiford told me that the previous weekend Hernwood Aphrodite had won the final point she
needed for her JW (subject to KC confirmation). This means that three from that litter have now
won JWs. Well done.
Alison Norman has written to say that her McLevy (Yennadon Kyllachy) went BOB at East
Anglian Gundog Show where the Judge was Jill Holgate (Nadavin).
At Beckenham CA Show, on the same day as South Wales, Sarah Sevastopulo
(Oldholbans) judged Gordons and found her BOB in Thelda Bryant’s Muckypup’s D’Artagnan JW
ShCM. RBOB and BP went to Rachel and Ken Horler’s Hernwood Jack O’Lantern by Rackens
who was later 2
in the RBOB stakes, judged by Ann Moon (Deanway). Another Gordoner to do
well was Tilly Thomas whose Chartan Hermione Grainger went BVIS under BIS Judge Dagmar
Kenis Pordham (Solstrand).
At Mid Herts Gundog Club Open show on 28 October, Sue Griffiths judged Gordons and
found her BOB in Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Hernwood Apollo JW. He was
later awarded 3
BIS by Frank Whyte. RBOB was Sue and Kathryne Wrigley’s Kattandale
Canterbury and BP Rachel and Ken Horler’s Hernwood Jack O’Lantern by Rackens.
It will be the last time Mid Herts has a show at Wood Green Animal Shelter which is a great
shame as it is a really good venue. Apparently the area where shows are held is going to be
redeveloped and rumour has it it is going to become an education centre and wedding venue.
Considering it is an animal shelter it is a shame that animal shows are no longer going to be able
to be held there. Their next show will be at Brook Farm Training Centre, Stapleford Abbots, Essex
– much nearer from our point of view but not such a good venue.
Some of the shows that have in the past used Wood Green, moved to Keysoe but
apparently they have now said that dog shows there can only be held entirely outside or on
weekdays so that is another venue no longer available. Show societies in the area are really

struggling to find decent venues and one wonders what the future holds for them.
BELFAST Ch Show was supposed to have had an entry of 6 making 6 Gordons, with no
CCs. However the results show just 2 present – both in Open Dog. These were Ms M Quinn & Mr
F McNamara’s Ir Sh Ch Ludstar Giacometti at Kilnacourt who went BOB and Ms Quinn’s Guinness
Limerick-Jukka Z Ojcowskiej Doliny JCW16, JCH16 who went RBOB.
Claire Lewis was awarding CCs for the first time at SOUTH WALES. Her entry was shown
as 45 making 53 and from the results on the internet it looks as though the total entry was 22 dogs
and 28 bitches. However, I note a GoodCitizen Dog Scheme class was scheduled for both dogs
and bitches but, being Fosse Data, no mention of this was made in the dog results so either there
were no entries or no-one turned up. Absentees were 2 dogs (unless G Cits were absent) and 5
Claire found her BOB in David Alcorn, José Baddeley and David Crowther’s Sh Ch
Lourdace Fulcrum JW (Absaaronem Eleys Fuzzbuzz x Sh Ch Birchgarth Fools Gold with L). This
was his 5
CC this year and brings his overall total to 48 so he is now level with the current Breed
record Holder, Sh Ch Liric High Society. He later went 4
in the Group.
BCC was the all important third for Peggy Seymour’s homebredPegasett Black N’Tantrum.
Born in December 2010 she is by Sh Ch Hernwood Diamond Rock JW ShCM x Pegasett Highland
Wispa. Her previous CCs came from Chris Atkinson at Darlington last year and Jenny Lowe at
NGA this year. She makes the 8
new Sh Ch this year.
RDCC was a 4
this year for Lesley and Steve Robson’s Sh Ch Laurelhach Limited Edition
at Yohenoak (Dt Ch Laurelhach Moviestar x Sh Ch & Aus Ch Triseter Ebonie Zena with
Laurelhach) and, of course, he has also won 1 CC this year.
It was a 3
RCC this year for Jean Collins-Pitman’s homebred Amscot Love Is In The Air
JW (Sh Ch Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM x Int/Ger VDH Ch Storskogens Amor Joy of
Amscot) and she too has also had 1 CC this year.
BP was a first for Olivia Danks-Kemish and Becky Kemish’s KilnraeBox Edition of
Alolfrana. He was bred by Karen Marsh in December last year andis by the RCC winner x Kilnrae
Scotch The Rumour JW.
The results do not mention BV but I should imagine this must have been Pegasett Black N’
In the week prior to the BGSC CH SHOW the weather for the Midlands looked dire,
showing that the area could be affected by the dreadful storm which caused such terrible damage
in parts of Wales and the South West. However, the Coventry area must have been just on the
edge of the bad weather as apart from a coupleof briefshowers on our journey up the day stayed
dry and, in fact, whenwe wentoutside for best colour and bestfeetto be judgedthe sunwas out
and it was lovely and warm.
I can remember on one or two occasions in the past the show was held in the car park area
just outside the main hall (in which we were this year) and once, a complaint was made that the
ground was too hotfor the dogs to walk on!I think this shows just how variable the weather can
be in October.
Our Judges were Carol Moore (dogs) and Frank Kane (bitches). The overall entry was 137
making 171 split between 54 (69) dogsand 83 (102) bitches plus12 NFC. Absenteeswere 7 and
13 respectively.
DCC and BISwent to Lesleyand Steve Robson’s Sh Ch Laurelhach Limited Edition at
Yohenoak (Dt Ch Laurelhach Moviestar x Sh Ch/Aust Ch Triseter EbonieZena with Laurelhach).
This was his 2
CC this year andbrings his total to 6, plus he has had 4 RCCs. He also, of
course, went BVIS coming, as he did, from the Veteran Dog Class.
RDCC and RBIS was Frances Boxall’s Multi Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein (Aus Ch
Triseter Celtic Ice x Ita/IntEur/World Ch Ludstar Velsheda). This was his third this year and he
has, of course, also won 11 CCs.
BCC and BOS was a 2
for Jean Collins-Pitman’s homebred Amscot Love Is In The Air JW
(Sh Ch Yennadon Lochanat Rubymoon JW, ShCM x VDH & Int Ch Storskogens Amor Joy of
Amscot) and she has also had 2 RCCs this year.
RBCC went to Poppi Jaconelli’s Sh Ch Hernwood Causin A Storm for Togipoto (Sh Ch
Cromasaig Forever Loyal JW x Sh Ch Hernwood Indi Girl at Togipoto). This was her first this year
and she has also had 1 CC.
BP was a first such award for Gloria Brown’s Cairacailie Chianti with Marshmoor. Bred in
November last year by Jenny, Bob and Katherine Roberts she is by Marshmoor Black Jack x Sh
Ch Cairacailie Devoted JW.
Brace was won by Kay Reid. Best Colour was won by Mrs A Millar’s Balnakeil Carn Na
Criche and Best Feet by Laura Millar’s Yennadon Benriach JW.
It was a good show with lots of people to chat to. There was a well laden raffle table; the
UGSR stand seemedto be selling a good number of their Christmas cards andthere were also a
couple of good trade stands.
One small niggle – there was nowhere in the catalogue, as there has been in previous
years, for recordingall themain awards, BIS, RBIS etc. Perhapsthis can be rectified for next
year’s show. Something else I noticed missing from the catalogue was acknowledgement of
donations. Hopefully this again can be rectified for the next show.
No CCs, of course, at MIDLAND COUNTIES where the Breed was judged by Kathy
Gorman.She had an entry of12 dogs, 6 of which were absent, and 16 (18) bitches, 2 of which

were absent. BB & BOB wentto Chris andPeter Sandifordand Claire Lewis’s Sh Ch Hernwood
Calypso Goddess JW ShCM. She was also entered in the Veteran Stakes where she came third.
BD was Debbie and Tony Harker’s Hernwood Achilles at Ettrick JW. RBB went to Jill
Dixon’s Ecameadow Saffron with Wallbank and RBD to her litter brother, Anthony Burke’s
Ecameadow TheExplorer. BP was Sue Tillet’s Fieldtalks Lady In Red – there were no dog
puppies shown as being entered.
I don’t know if any of you have looked in Our Dogs at the list of CC winners,BOB winners
etc at Midland Counties, but what happened with the Gordon winners?!!! Do we have some new
imports nobody has ever heard of?!!!
GUNDOG SOCIETY OF WALES Ch Show was held on 31 October. No CCs for Gordons,
of course now, and the judge was SarahSevastopulo.Her entry was shown as 37 making47 but
the results taken from the internet show a total entry of 16 dogs and 23 bitches. Absentees were 2
dogs and 7 bitches. Onceagain with Fosse Data there is somethingof an anomaly as Limit Bitch
shows 6 entries with 3 absentees but only 1 bitch shown as present.
Sarah found her BOB in her BB, Annette Mappin’s Sh Ch Bryerdale Texas Star JW
((Bryerdale Oor Cantona x Bryerdale Not On Ur). BD went to Linda, Paul and Nicki Johnston’s
Gordon Sett-style Heartbreaker for Glenquin (imp) (Gordon Sett-style Yukki Hill Trust x Mukolti Ch
Sundowner’s Fayna Ukraina). They had a good day for their homebred Glenquin Phoenix (Multi
Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein x Laurelhach Lightning at Glenquin) went BP
RBB was Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso Goddess
JW ShCM (Sh Ch Hernwood Talladega Racer JW ShCM x Hernwood Gypsy Rose). Shealso
went BV in Breed and later won the Veteran Stakes. RBD was Olivia Danks-Kemish and Becky
Kemish’s Kilnrae Box Edition of Alolfrana (Sh Ch Laurelhach Limited Edition at Yohenoak x Kilnrae
Scotch The Rumour JW).
In the Puppy Stakes Gloria Brown’s Cairacailie Chianti with Marshmoor was placed third.
This stakes class, as were all the stakes classes (14 in all), was judged by Pam Blay.
HILARY TYE Tel: 0208 4602049 E-mail:
Monthly (Nov/Dec) Notes for BGSC Website 2018 (11)
I was so very sorry to hear from Geoff Tong that John Mawer died on the morning of 3rd December. I had heard that he was very poorly. He will be very greatly missed. To Jayne I send sincere condolences on behalf of us all.
John and Jayne founded their Inkersall Kennel of Gordons when they bought two bitch puppies that were born in 1970. These were Ellerspark Moorland Topsie and Ellerspark Tulip. When mated to Deerswood Raven, Tulip produced a litter in 1973, amongst which were Inkersall Dawn and I Goldcrest. The latter went to Yvonne Horrocks and was the grand-dam of Sh Ch Carek Bronze Clansman.
It was in 1977 that the first Inkersall Sh Champions were born and these were to become Sh Ch I Oberon of Moonglade and Sh Ch I Ophelia of Moonglade, both owned by Elaine Roberts. The very well known ‘C’ litter was born in 1982 and included Ch I Cedar, owned by John and Jayne, Sh Ch I Coal Tit of Sundeala, owned by Barbara Davies and Ron Bebb, and Sh Ch I Curlew, owned by Margaret Henry.
In 1984 Sh Ch I Gold Finch of Amscot, owned by Jean Collins, was born and in 1985 Sh Ch I King Eider, a son of Sh Ch I Curlew and once again owned by Margaret Henry, was born. Another to gain a title was Sandi and Steve Shepherd’s Sh Ch I American Wigeon of Prairiedawn who was born in 1990.
A few dogs of Inkersall breeding went abroad including Aust Ch I Dartford Warbler, born in 1982, and Int Ch I Rosefinch, born in 1988. The Inkersall kennels have certainly had a great influence on the Breed over a great many years.
John’s funeral took place on Tuesday 18th December at St Margaret’s Church, Bilsthorpe, Nottinghamshire NG22 8RU. Donations in John’s memory may be made to St Margaret’s Church, Bilsthorpe and sent to the funeral directors, J W Hutchinson, 296 Southwell Road East, Rainworth, Notts NG21 0EB.”
In the latest KC Breed supplement there were 34 puppies registered from 6 litters plus 2 importations, making a total of 36 registrations for the third quarter. This brings the total registrations for the year so far to 137 compared with 188 at the same time last year. I note that for one litter my records show that neither the sire nor the dam have been hip scored.
Ten dogs had their hip scores recorded with a very good average of 8.4. This brings the average so far this year to 13.57, down from 14.83 at the end of June. The average for the period for which I have scores has also come down to 19.18 from 19.23. This may not seem a lot but it is spread over 27 years.
The DNA test results for PRA rcd-4 showed 1 carrier and three clear. The GPRA (General Progressive Retinal Atrophy) results showed 9 unaffected. Twelve were shown but three had been previously shown as unaffected.
We now know the judges for Border Union and Leeds next year. Border Union is Steve Rhodes and Leeds is Richard Bott (awarding CCs to Gordons for the first time). I have not seen his name on a Judges’ list so suppose he has come through via the JDP. This leaves just Richmond.
Looking at the Crufts schedule I was disappointed to see that we have had our Mid Limit class taken away once again. When we first showed at Crufts we had it, then it was taken away, then in 2013 it was given back but now it has once again been taken away. I cannot see a reason for it as our entries over the years since 2013 have averaged out at 197.5. Maybe this is something the Breed Council could take up with the Crufts Committee at the KC.
I see the entry fee has been increased to £30 per dog and car parking to £11 if paid for with entry or £16 on the day (I realise the KC has no say as to the cost of this). Also, the West car park is no longer in use so all parking will be in the South and East car parks, with shuttle buses running from these parks to the Halls.
I noticed in the Manchester schedule that Highams have changed the way you indicate on the entry form whether or not you wish your address to be published in the catalogue. It used to be that you ticked a box if you did NOT want your address published. Now you need to tick a box if you DO want your address to be published. All this is due, I suppose, to the new privacy regulations that were recently introduced.
At Camberley & District CS Open Show on 18 November Gordons were judged by Hector Heathcote (Hyndsight). BOB went to Karen Marsh’s Lignum Black Lightning at Kilnrae who later went 4th in the Group. BP went to Stacey Matthewson handling her Sister’s Graylacier Classic Design. This is another show society that will be losing its venue and having to move. We seem to be losing venues all over the place these days.
A few weeks ago I wrote that Sue Gregg had mentioned that Swindon & DCS were going to schedule Gordons for the first time at their show on 2 March 2019. At that time she did not know who the judge would be but now the schedule is out I can let you know it will be Maureen Elkins (Avacet) and there will be three classes. The Gordons will be second in the ring after Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers and the Group will be judged by Graham Lambert.
On 11 November, the day following GBAS, it was the GSCS Open show with Donald McNeil judging. He found his BIS in Billy McAvoy’s Laurelhach Bemm (Drumdaroch The Xpat to Liric x Laurelhach The Passion) with his RBIS to Jean Collins-Pitman’s Int/German VDH Ch Storskogens Amor Joy of Amscot (Imp Swe). RBD went to Jean and Mr & Mrs Anderson’s Black Mystery Phantom Of The Opera by Amscot (Amscot Rebel With A Cause (ai) JW x Int Ch Black Mystery Indigo Girl) and RBB to Barbara and William Smith’s Yennadon Fairisle of Clacorick (Ger Sh Ch Earth Fire From Fire’sons Garden x Ch Yennadon Time For Daisy). BP was another win for Linda Hall’s Melview Phoenix and BV to Sue and Geoff Tong’s Liric Special Tribute to Kellizlot (ai) JW (Sh Ch Shannas Daimler x Sh Ch Liric You’re So Special).
Following her lovely weekend, Jean Collins has written the following: “Monday Morning Blues? Not in my house! On Saturday at GBAS Raina took BOB and became Champion, Int Ch and German VDH Ch Storskogens Amor Joy of Amscot. (sub to KC conf.) Thank You so much John Thirlwell, Mick Howes and Ben Bennett. Also to the 6 judges who awarded Raina her Reserve CCs and Steve Lound and Linda Westron for her Field Trial qualification. And huge everlasting thanks to her breeder Birgit Jonsson. We believe Raina is the first Swedish Bred Ch Gordon in UK history. Who would have ever imagined in our wildest dreams when we sent Jackie over to you, this amazing girl was in our future? And to my fabulous friends and handlers Silvia Timmermann, Sarah Loakes and Joanne Hoad, hugs, so many hugs, no words really. On Sunday Raina took Reserve BIS at the Gordon Setter Club of Scotland Open Show to round off what will be one of my most memorable weekends ever. Thank you judge Donald McNeil. And so grateful for all the hundreds of congratulations from around the world.”
Sharon Green has kindly sent to me a marked up catalogue of the Gordon Setter Club of Scotland Open Show where Donald McNeil was judging. From this I see that the entry was 67 making 96 split between 27 (36) dogs and 40 (60) bitches with absentees of 7 and 20 respectively.
At Woolwich Bexley & DCS Open Show Gordons were judged by Mr M Masters (Manchela). He found his BOB in Thelda Bryant’s Kilnrae Hallmark JW with RBOB to Liz Ashton’s Yennadon Renaissance with Gadieburn and BP to Mr Cops and Keith Whiting’s Locksheath Black Ice who later went 2nd in the Puppy Group under Sue Pounds-Longhurst.

Janet Tidmarsh (Maybesque) judged at Guildford Show on 8 December. She found her BOB in Ramsey Nagaty’s Sh Ch Forester’s Xclusive Edition of Darkmoor at Marlbeck and her RBOB in Yvonne Slaughter’s Cairacailie Night Of Love with Ordett JW. The only puppy entered was absent.


At Setter & Pointer, Elaine Roberts had an entry of 87 making 111. This was made up from 42 (48) dogs and 45 (52) bitches with 11 entries in variety classes. Absentees were 9 and 8 respectively.
Elaine found her BOB in the DCC winner, Sheila Graham’s Clohass Killie Crankie. He was bred by Christine Clark in January 2012 and is by Drumdaroch The Xpat to Liric x Sh Ch Dunfionn Onich of Clohass JW ShCM. This was his first CC this year and brings his total to 2.
Putting the icing on the cake it was a 2nd CC this year and 4th overall for Ramsey Nagaty’s Sh Ch Forester’s Xclusive Edition of Darkmoor at Marlbeck (imp deu) (Ger Ch Earthfire from Fire’sons Garden x Ger Ch Courtiers Charming Sweet Angel). Bred by Dagmar Bartels she was born in August 2013.
RDCC was a third this year for Peter Tye’s Kyuna Olympic Arrow of Tymora ShCM (Sh Ch Kilnrae French Connection avec Ettrick JW x Kyuna Faerie Shadow). Bred by Carole and Maurice Watson he was born in May 2012.
RBCC went to Sue and Fred Evans’ Burroughtof Dark Amber von Langstrumpf (Lainnireach Highland Mist x Glenarden Blackburn Skua). She was bred by Enid and Geoff Mawby in July 2015. This was her first RCC this year but she has also had 1 CC this year.
BP was a first for Linda Hall’s homebred Melview Phoenix. She was born in January this year and is by Sh Ch Lochfain An Aus Approach to Glenmaurangi JW x Melview Falling Leaves.
Elaine awarded BV to Sue and Geoff Tong’s Liric Special Tribute to Kellizlot JW. Bred by Maureen Justice in March 2011 he is by Sh Ch Shannas Daimler x Sh Ch Liric You’re So Special JW.
In the Stakes classes, Ruth Walker’s Diersett Plutonium was reserve in Puppy and Jean Collins-Pitman’s Amscot Love Is In The Air JW won the Open Stakes.
Once again Gordons had the most entries with 4 in the Field Trial dog/bitch class. Pointers with 1 entry were the only other breed to have an entry in this class. All the breeds except Irish Red & Whites had 1 entry in Special Working dog/bitch, with the 1 in Pointers being a repeat of the FT class.
Two dogs gained their titles at GBAS where Mick Howes was judging. Firstly, BCC and BOB went to Jean Collins-Pitman’s Int/German VDH Ch Storskogens Amor Joy of Amscot (Imp Swe). She becomes a Ch as she has qualified in the field. She was bred in Sweden by Birgit Jonsson in November 2013 and is by Yukki Hill Mesmerizer for Silent North x Amscot Gone With The Wind (ai). Her first CC came from John Thirlwell at SKC in 2015 and her second from Ben Bennett at Darlington this year.
DCC was a very quick third for Sheila Graham’s Clohass Killie Crankie following on, as it did, from his second at Setter & Pointer the previous week. He was bred by Christine Clark in January 2012 and is by Drumdaroch The Xpat to Liric x Sh Ch Dunfionn Onich of Clohass JW ShCM. His first CC also came at SKC, but it was last year and it was from David George-Plunkett.
Mick Howes had an entry in the Breed classes of 77 made up from 33 dogs and 44 bitches. Absentees were 5 and 11 respectively.
RBCC was a first time in the green cards for Judith and Pete Rand’s Hernwood Summer Eclipse at Kintalis. She was bred by Chris and Peter Sandiford in July 2015 and is by Sh Ch Hernwood Talladega Racer JW ShCM x Hernwood Gipsy Rose. RDCC went to Chris and Bill Butler’s Sh Ch Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM (Drumdaroch The Xpat to Liric x Ch Yennadon Time For Daisy). This was his first RCC this year but he has, of course, also had 2 CCs.
BP was a second at consecutive shows for Linda Hall’s Melview Phoenix (Sh Ch Lochfain An Aus Approach to Glenmaurangi JW x Melview Falling Leaves) and she was later third in the Puppy Stakes. BV went to Mary Danks’ Liric Blac Nugget. He is a half brother to the DRCC winner having the same sire but x Liric Xtra Special JW. Barbara and William Smith’s Yennadon Fairisle of Clacorick won the FT Stakes.
LKA proved to be a very successful show for Frances Boxall. Her Sh Ch/Multi Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein (Aus Ch Triseter Celtic Ice x Ita/IntEur/World Ch Ludstar Velsheda) won the DCC & BOB and later went Gp3 making him the definite top Gordon winner this year. Also, her Sh Ch Laurelhach Entrapment (Triseter Celtic Link with Laurelhach x Sh Ch Laurelhach Legacy JW) won the BCC which makes her top CC winning Gordon bitch. What a way to finish the year and congratulations to Frances.
The Judge at LKA was Per Iverson. His entry was 69 making 80 and this latter figure was split between 35 dogs and 45 bitches. Absentees were 6 and 15 respectively. The CC won by Freddie takes his total this year to 12 and his overall total to 28 and the CC won by Remy takes her total to 5 this year bringing her overall total to 9.
RDCC brought a new dog to the top awards when it was awarded to Gina and David Melville’s homebred Tsruhnova Tumnus JW. He was born in May 2016 and is by Sh Ch Liric Special Fanfare with Shillay JW ShCM x Kilnrae Party Time at Tsruhnova. RBCC was a fourth this year for Jean Collins-Pitman’s Amscot Love Is In The Air JW (Sh Ch Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM x Ch Int/Ger VDH Ch Storskogens Amor Joy of Amscot) and she has also, of course, had 2 CCs. At this show last year she won her fourth BP award. Jean also went BV with her Amscot Rebel With A Cause JW (Am Dual Ch Sun Yak Spellbnd Heaven Scent x Amscot Unbeliva Belle).
BP was a first for Keith Whiting’s homebred Locksheath Princess Tiana. She was born in March this year and is by Am/Dt/It Ch Ludstar Don Corleone x Locksheath True Baloo.
In the stakes classes, Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Hernwood Apollo JW won the PG dog stakes which was judged by Richard Bott.
In the three years since we have had CCs back at LKA the entries have ranged between 91 and 104. This year’s entry of 69 is only just above the entry of 63 that Helen Upton had when she judged in 2014 without CCs. The last time Per Iverson judged was at Manchester in 2015 when his entry was 115. LKA is usually such a popular show when exhibitors exchange Christmas cards etc and so it seems strange that the entry was not higher.
Hilary Tye Tel: 0208 4602049 E-mail:


I was stunned when a friend called me to say that DW was no more.  I had no idea and had only just sent in my notes following Border Union.  I did check later and found they had been put on the DW website.  My thoughts were, well that’s the end of an era as I had been writing them since July 1996.  Firstly in conjunction with Sheila Pither who asked me to help as she did not get to many Ch shows at that time, and then I took them over completely early in 1997.  There were, of course, few facilities for finding results on line in those days.  I thought no more writing breed notes but then the BGSC asked if I would write some monthly notes to put on the Club’s website, to which I was happy to agree, so these are my first notes under this new arrangement.

David Alcorn had also asked if I could do some notes for him to put up on a blog and this I am also doing.

I would like to say thank you to everyone who expressed their disappointment that my notes would not be continuing in DW.  Hopefully you will still find them interesting in this new format and will continue to send me your news on all aspects of the Breed, whether happy or sad.  One difference will be that open show wins will not be restricted just to group placings!

Starting with Blackpool, Penny Williams was the judge and she had an entry (taken from the internet) of 30 dogs and 35 bitches with absentees of 4 and 5 respectively.  DCC and BOB was a sixth this year for David Alcorn, José Baddeley and David Crowther’s Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum (Absaaronem Eleys Fuzzbuzz x Sh Ch Birchgarth Fools Gold with L).  This brings his total to 36.  He was later third in the Group.

BCC was the all important third for Frances Boxall’s homebred Laurelhach Entrapment.  Congratulations.  She was born in March 2014 and is by Triseter Celtic Link with L x

I was stunned when a friend called me to say that DW was no more.  I had no idea and had only just sent in my notes following Border Union.  I did check later and found they had been put on the DW website.  My thoughts were, well that’s the end of an era as I had been writing them since July 1996.  Firstly in conjunction with Sheila Pither who asked me to help as she did not get to many Ch shows at that time, and then I took them over completely early in 1997.  There were, of course, few facilities for finding results on line in those days.  I thought no more writing breed notes but then the BGSC asked if I would write some monthly notes to put on the Club’s website, to which I was happy to agree, so these are my first notes under this new arrangement.

David Alcorn had also asked if I could do some notes for him to put up on a blog and this I am also doing.

I would like to say thank you to everyone who expressed their disappointment that my notes would not be continuing in DW.  Hopefully you will still find them interesting in this new format and will continue to send me your news on all aspects of the Breed, whether happy or sad.  One difference will be that open show wins will not be restricted just to group placings!

Starting with Blackpool, Penny Williams was the judge and she had an entry (taken from the internet) of 30 dogs and 35 bitches with absentees of 4 and 5 respectively.  DCC and BOB was a sixth this year for David Alcorn, José Baddeley and David Crowther’s Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum (Absaaronem Eleys Fuzzbuzz x Sh Ch Birchgarth Fools Gold with L).  This brings his total to 36.  He was later third in the Group.

BCC was the all important third for Frances Boxall’s homebred Laurelhach Entrapment.  Congratulations.  She was born in March 2014 and is by Triseter Celtic Link with L x Sh Ch L Legacy.  Her other two CCs came from David Howarth at LKA last year and Jane Mugford at Three Counties this year.  She makes the fourth new Sh Ch so far this year.

RDCC was Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s Sh Ch/Multi Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein (Aus Ch Triseter Celtic Ice x Multi Ch L Velsheda).  This was his first this year but he has, of course, had 2 CCs.

RBCC was also a first this year for Jean Collins-Pitman’s Storskogens Amor Joy of Amscot.  She was bred in November 2013 by Mrs B Jonsson and is by Yukki Hill Mesmerizer for Silent North x A Gone With The Wind.  She is not new to top awards having previous

Sh Ch L Legacy.

ly won 1 CC and a couple of RCCs.

BP was a first for Chris Brandon-Lodge’s Lourdace Evensong.  Bred by David Alcorn and José Baddeley in September last year she is by Hernwood Storm Rider x L Field Of Gold.

At Blackpool a best Junior is usually declared.  There was no mention of this on the Fosse Data results for Gordons but I believe it was Gina and David Melville’s Tsruhnova Tumnus who won this award.



Monthly Notes for BGSC Website 2017 (02)


At Windsor Kay Reid was judging with an entry of 70 making 79.  This was split between 27 (31) dogs and 41 (48) bitches with 2 NFC.  Absentees were 5 and 4 respectively.

It was another CC and BOB for Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum making 7 this year and his total 37.  As at Blackpool the previous week, he also went Group 3.

BCC was a 4th this year, making 6 overall for Rhona Frew’s Sh Ch Dunfionn Rysa (D Portsoy x Sh Ch D Nethy) which was a repeat of her win at this show last year.

Kay awarded the RDCC to Toni Michalak’s Sh Ch Kyuna Calypso (Sh Ch Kilnrae French Connection avec Ettrick x Yarrowmarkers Dancin’ Queen with K).  This was his second this year but he has, of 

Monthly Notes for BGSC Website 2017  (01)


course, won 2 CCs, the second of which gave him his title.

RBCC went to Elaine Roberts’ & Carole and Maurice Watson’s Sh Ch Kyuna Colour Of Magic who also went BV.  She, of course, is a half sister to the RDCC winner having the same sire but x Carpediem Cool Blue Lilly at K.  This was her first RCC this year and she has also had 1 CC.

BP was a first such award for Sue and Chris Mitchell’s Roydack Ruby Hidden Gem at Brobruick.  He was bred by Sonja Upton-Lovett & Helen Upton in July last year and is by the DCC winner x R Loves A Blazin.

In The Group Captain Sutton Memorial Veteran Stakes Chris and Peter Sandiford’s Sh Ch Kejajake Sapphire at Hernwood came third.


Hilary Tye


Monthly Notes for BGSC Website 2017 (03)


The E of England Ch Show was hot.  The layout this year had been altered but still most of the rings were in in/out tents.  However, Gordons were due to be in one of four small rings right in one corner of the show, after English Setters and with no covering and no shade nearby.  Helen Upton was awarding CCs to the Breed for the first time and as it was around midday when she could start judging she decided to use the indoor ring.  This was one of 6 good sized rings in a large, airy building.  Large doors were open at both ends allowing a slight breeze to flow through which made it much more comfortable for both exhibitors and dogs.

Helen’s entry was 67 making 73 made up from 26 (27) dogs and 41 (46) bitches with 9 entries also in stakes classes.  Absentees were 2 and 3 respectively.

It was another CC and BOB for Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum.  This makes 8 this year and 38 in total.  He was later shortlisted in the Group.

It was a day to remember for Carol Moore for having won the Veteran Bitch class, Helen awarded her Gadhelic Spirit Of The Celt the BCC which was her all important third making her the fifth new Sh Ch this year.  Her previous CCs came from Sue Bateman at Three Counties in 2015 and from Maggy Halliday at the GSA Ch Show this year.  Congratulations.  She also went BV.

RDCC went to Carole Smith’s homebred Glenkinchie Soul Drifter.  He is not new to top awards having previously won RCCs.  Born in March 2012 he is by Drumdaroch The Xpat to Liric x Roydack Charlie Sierra at G.

RBCC was a second this year for Angela Phillips and Tereza Watkins’ Flaxheath Top Model at Glenmaurangi.  Bred by Vicki Lines in November 2015 she is by Sh Ch Lochfain An Aus Approach to G x F Just For Me.

BP was also a second this year for Mrs Hall and Miss Danks-Kemish’s Kilnrae Hallmark Over Keninhall.  He was bred by Karen Marsh in November 2016 and is by Muckypup’s D’Artagnan x K Scotch The Rumour.

Hilary Tye

Monthly Notes for BGSC Website 2017  (04)


The GSA Open Show took place on 16 July at its usual venue of Bearley Village Hall.  The weather was mixed – mainly cloudy with a few bursts of sunshine and the odd spot of moisture in the air at times during the morning.  It became duller in the afternoon and finally it did rain when Limit bitch was in the ring but as it was not too heavy judging continued outside until concluded.

Tilly Thomas was the judge and her entry was 65 making 85 made up from 27 (40) dogs and 38 (45) bitches with 5 NFC.  Tilly found her BOB in her BD, Chris and Bill Butler’s Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM.  He was bred by Nicky Ackerley-Kemp in February 2014 and is by Drumdaroch The Xpat to Liric x Ch Y Time For Daisy.

RBD and RBIS was Jenny, Bob and Katherine Roberts’ homebred Cairacailie Discovery.  He was born in February 2013 and is by Graylacier Royal Sovereign of C x C The Folk Singer.  Jenny, Bob and Katherine also bred the BPIS winner which was Yvonne Slaughter’s C Night Of Love with Ordett who was born in October last year and is by Sh Ch Laurelhach Limited Edition at Yohenoak x Sh Ch C Devoted JW.

BB went to Liz and Barry Williams’ homebred Longrow I Love To Boogie JW.  She was also born in February 2013 and is by Ardnadam Red Kite x Graylacier Royal Applause for L.  RBB and BVIS was awarded to Kay and Ian Reid’s Dunfionn Morar at Diersett.  Bred by Rhona Frew in January 2008 she is by D Keil at Clohass x D Iona.

BOS Veteran was Jan Cawthen’s Marshmoor Magna.  He was bred by Gloria Brown in January 2010 and is by Spingor Glenord at M x Waseley Rhapsodee at M.  BOS Puppy was Sue and Chris Mitchell’s Roydack Ruby Hidden Gem at Brobruick who was bred by Sonja Upton-Lovett and Helen Upton and is by Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum x R Loves A Blazin.  Last but by no means least, Best Junior was Jean Harrison’s Paradise Final Fantasy.  She was bred by Jean in February 2016 and is a half sister to the BOS Puppy having the same sire but x Melview Fleur De Lys from P.

At the Show Karin Sweryda was running Good Citizen Dog Scheme testing sessions and I believe 6 dogs passed their Bronze award.  Well done to them all.

Hilary Tye

Monthly Notes for BGSC Website 2017  (05)


Moira McErlean was judging at Leeds where she had an entry of 93 making 93.  This was split between 36 dogs and 57 bitches with absentees of 6 and 5 respectively.

Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW is really on a roll at the moment for it was a fifth CC and BOB at successive shows and he once again went Gp 3 which was the third time he achieved this in these last 5 shows.  This brings his CC total so far for the year to 9 and his overall total to 39.

Moira started a new bitch on the title trail, although she is not new to top awards as she won a RCC last year, when she awarded the BCC to Ramsey Nagaty’s Forester’s Xclusive Edition of Darkmoor at Marlbeck (imp Deu).  She was bred in August 2013 by Dagmar Bartels and is by Ger Ch Earth Fire from Fire Sons Garden x Ger Ch Courtier’s Charming Sweet Angel.

RDCC was a fourth this year for Jocelyn Ness’s Liric Souvenir JW.  Bred by Maureen Justice in November 2012 he is by Boyers Strauss ShCM x Sh Ch L Blac Onyx JW.

RBCC was a first this year for Kate, Angus and Jennifer Macara’s Sh Ch Cromasaig Bedazzled JW.  Homebred in August 2013 she is, of course, by the DCC winner x C Little Star.

BP went to a puppy at his first Ch Show for he was born on 18 January this year.  This was Mr & Mrs Millar’s Yennadon Benriach.  He was bred by Nicky Ackerley Kemp and is by Y Lochan at Rubymoon x Y Reiver.

As at Windsor, BV was Elaine Roberts and Carole and Maurice Watson’s Sh Ch Kyuna Colour Of Magic at Moonglade.  She is eight years of age having been born in December 2008, and is by Sh Ch Kilnrae French Connection avec Ettrick JW x Carpediem Cool Blue Lilly at K.

The Sunday after Leeds it was Hampshire Gundog show where our Fletcher, Kyuna Olympic Arrow of Tymora, went BOB and then was awarded BIS 3.  The Breed was judged by Ray McDonald (Roanjora) who had an entry of 21 making 24 with 4 absentees.  BIS was judged by Shelagh Walton (Gallybob).  Naturally we were delighted.  RBOB was Ramsey Nagaty’s Forester’s Xclusive Edition of Darkmoor at Marlbeck (imp Deu) and BP was Yvonne Slaughter’s Cairacailie Night Of Love with Ordett.  Both Yvonne and Ramsey had, of course, been up at Leeds on the Friday.


Hilary Tye

Monthly Notes for BGSC Website 2017  (06)



At Hampshire Gundog show we were saddened to hear that Rachel, Ken, Jess and Emily Horler had lost Connor, Aldabrook Morning Glory at Rackens, especially as it had been only the previous weekend that he had been at the GSA open show.  Naturally they were all extremely upset as it was obviously so sudden but now Rachel has found the strength to send through the following:

“Thank you to everyone for their kind messages about our special boy – We are heartbroken that after a short and aggressive illness we had to make the tough choice to free our special lad from further suffering.  Connor was the clown of our house from day 1 never failing to make us laugh.  He loved showing, always announcing his arrival at a show woo-wooing and waiting for his turn.  From 6 mths old he was Jess’s handling dog;  she had so many successes with him in their time together – a great team.  We had fun at agility although in typical Gordon fashion often on his own course.  He managed to demonstrate he could concentrate gaining his Gold Good Citizen.

“A star in the ring for me from a pup right up to his last Vintage class, never putting a foot wrong.

“He gained his ShCM and a RCC from his first Veteran class and finishing Best Veteran in Show earlier this year from his first Vintage class.  Above all he was our Connyconcons a fun loving nutty boy who will leave a great big whole in all our hearts.

“Both Boo and Murphy (especially Murphy who idolised Conns) are still wondering when he’s coming home.”

I know we can all fully understand how the family is feeling at the moment but as the sadness fades they will have some lovely memories to recall.  On behalf of us all I send them sincere condolences.

Connor was bred by Pauline Quarterman in March 2007 and was by Lourdace Maddison at A x A Ice Fairy.

Many of us in Gordons have another breed or breeds and they are all just as precious to us as our Gordons so when we have to say goodbye to one the sadness is just as deep.  Kay Reid has written to say that on 18 August she lost Minardi (Tattersett You’re Special at Diersett), her last English Setter who was 11½ and is the Dam of Carol Smith’s D Jaguar at Glenkinchie.  A sad day for Kay and Ian and to them I send sincere condolences on behalf of us all.



In the KC Breed Supplement for the second quarter of the year, 78 puppies are recorded from 9 litters which together with 3 importations meant registrations for the quarter were 81.  This means that there were 156 registrations in the first 6 months compared with 181 in the same period last year.

The hip scores of only 7 dogs are recorded giving an average of 12.8.  This compares with 9.36 for the first quarter but the overall average for the period for which I have scores is again very slightly down – from 19.37 to 19.35.

The DNA results for PRA rcd-4 show that there were 8 carriers and 5 clear and the GPRA results showed 8 unaffected – one of which had appeared previously.


No Ch Shows on the weekend 29/30 July but plenty of open shows and we went to Southampton & DCA show on 29 July where our Fletcher, Kyuna Olympic Arrow of Tymora, went BOB which gained him the last point he needed for his ShCM (subject to KC confirmation of course).  The Breed was judged by Tim Ball.  There was no RBOB declared and no puppies were present.

The same day as SKC, 27 August, it was Horley show where Gordons were judged by the BIS Judge, Mrs Elina Haapaniemi (Aspenella).  This was a change from the scheduled judge.  She awarded BOB to Thelda Bryant’s Muckypup’s D’Artagnan JW ShCM with RBOB to our Kyuna Olympic Arrow of Tymora ShCM.  There were no puppies present.

On the Bank Holiday Monday at Leicester City CS show Sue and Chris Mitchell’s Roydack Ruby Hidden Gem at Brobruick won the final open show point he needed for his JW.  He also went BOB and was pulled out in the Group.  The Judge here was Mrs Hilary Male.  He was born on 26 July 2016 so is just 13 months old.  He makes the 5th JW winner so far this year.



Paignton had Keith Young judging Gordons, without CCs.  His entry was 17 made up from 8 dogs and 9 bitches with just 2 dogs absent.  Keith found his BOB in his BB, Ramsey Nagaty’s Forester’s Xclusive Edition of Darkmoor at Marlbeck (imp Deu).  BD went to Louis and Elaine Poynter’s Hernwood Prince Of Thieves JW.

Chris and Peter Sandiford had a good day for they won RBB with Sh Ch H Calypso Goddess JW ShCM and BP with H Boston’s First Lady.  Calypso Goddess was also placed 2nd in the Champion Stakes.  RBD went to Mr Jarvis’s Rom Ch Reddeer Gaelic Mysterman.

The day following Paignton was NGA where Peter Sandiford was judging.  His total entry in the breed classes was 124 made up from 50 dogs and 74 bitches with absentees of 6 and 18 respectively.  Although there was a Good Cits dog class there is no mention of it as Fosse Data do not mention on their print-outs any classes that either do not have any entries or if the entries are absent.  Very annoying, so the above figures might not be quite correct.

BCC and BOB went to Annette Mappin’s homebred Bryerdale Texas Star JW.  This was her first this year but she already has one CC, won last year at Southern Counties.  DCC went to Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW which was his 10th this year and brings his total to 40.

Amscot bred litter mates took both RCCs with the BRCC going to Jane Osborn’s A Siena Spice JW (her second this year) and the DRCC going to Jean Collins-Pitman’s A Raisin Black (his first).  These two are by Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon x A Country Pursuits of Boyers and were born in Dember 2015.  BP was a 3rd such award for Mrs Hall and Miss Danks-Kemish’s Kilnrae Hallmark Over Keninhall.  BV was Paul Smith’s Bryerdale Mighty Murphy of Boswedden.

In the stakes classes Angela Phillips and Tereza Watkins’ Flaxheath Top Model at Glenmaurangi was second in Yearling bitch and Sonja Upton-Lovett and Helen Upton’s Roydack Blazin A Trail was second in Open.

At Bournemouth Peter Upton had an entry of 45 made up from 22 dogs and 23 bitches with absentees of 1 and 3 respectively.

The DCC winner was once again Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW which brings his total to 11 this year and 41 overall.  This means he equals the dog CC record held since 2009 by Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s Sh Ch/Ita Ch Caballus Ebonie Adonis Ludstar (imp).  The Breed record holder for CCs, held since 1997, is, of course, Maureen Justices’s Sh Ch Liric High Society who won 48.  L Fulcrum later was second in the Gundog Group which was judged by Pam Blay.

Consolidating her title with a 3rd CC this year and 4th overall, the BCC was won by Frances Boxall’s homebred Sh Ch Laurelhach Entrapment JW.

The DRCC made it something of a family affair in the dog ring for it went to Sue and Chris Mitchell’s youngster Roydack Ruby Hidden Gem at Brobruick who is, of course, a son of the DCC winner x R Loves A Blazin.  He was bred in July 2016 by Sonja Upton-Lovett and Helen Upton.

RBCC was a third such award this year for Angela Phillips and Tereza Watkins’ Flaxheath To Model at Glenmaurangi.

BP was Yvonne Slaughter’s Cairacailie Night Of Love with Ordett, which was her third such award this year.

Last, but by no means least, BV was Elaine Roberts and Carole and Maurice Watson’s Sh Ch Kyuna Colour Of Magic at Moonglade.

As a footnote, Sue Mitchell told me that on the Saturday prior to Bournemouth show, Sharwood had for the first time given blood to the Pet Blood Bank, following on in the pawsteps of his kennel mates.

Some new names on the CC list following WKC where Aidine Howes was judging.  Her entry was 61 making 74 made up from 26 (31) dogs and 35 (43) bitches with absentees of 5 and 4 respectively.

BCC and BOB was a first, and a first time in the top awards, for Angie and Guy Palliser and Lesley Robson’s Lignum Tornado JW.  She was bred by Angie and Guy in September 2015 and is by Dunfionn Portsoy x Ordett Mai Tai by L.  The last time Aidine judged, which was at Bournemouth in 2014, she gave O Mai Tai 1st in Limit and a half sister to L Tornado, L Miss Fabbri, BP so she seems to like the lines.

Not new to top awards, for he won a RCC at Three Counties this year, DCC went to Chris and Bill Butler’s Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM.

RBCC was a second this year, in addition to her 3 CCs, for Frances Boxall’s Sh Ch Laurelhach Entrapment JW.  Another not new to top awards was the RDCC winner, Jenny, Bob and Katherine Roberts’ homebred Cairacailie Discovery.  He also had a 1st from Aidine the last time she judged.

BP was a 4th such award for Mrs Hall and Miss Danks-Kemish’s Kilnrae Hallmark Over Keninhall, and BV went to Carol Moore’s recently crowned Sh Ch Gadhelic Spirit Of The Celt JW.

At SKC there was an entry of 60 making 61 for Moray Armstrong.  This was made up from 25 dogs and 35 (36) bitches with absentees of 6 and 8 respectively.

DCC & BOB was a third this year and an eleventh overall for Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s homebred Sh Ch/Int Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein, handled by Frances Boxall.  He was later shortlisted in the group.

Repeating her win at this show last year, BCC went to Chris and Peter Sandiford’s Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso Goddess JW ShCM.  This was her second CC this year and brings her total to 30.

Also in a repeat of last year, RDCC went to David Alcorn, José Baddeley and David Crowther’s Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW.  This was his first RCC this year, in addition to his 11 CCs.

RBCC was a second this year for Jean Collins-Pitman’s Storskogens Amor Joy of Amscot (Swed Imp).

BP was a first for Peggy Seymour and James Newton’s Pegasett Miz Guydance.  Homebred in December last year she is by Bryerdale Oor Cantona x P Black N’Tantrum.

BV went to Mary Danks’ Liric Tuxedo Rag.  He was bred by Maureen Justice in July 2008 and is by Sh Ch Shannas Colonial with L JW x L Xtra Special JW.

I see Mr & Mrs Miller’s brace came second in their stakes class and Katy Smith was reserve in the 6-11 JHA class.

Hilary Tye Tel: 0208 4602049 E-mail:


Monthly (September) Notes for BGSC Website 2017  (06)



I was very sad to hear that Elaine (Roberts) Hart’s Husband, Richard, has lost his battle with cancer and passed away on Monday 4 September.  I understand there was a very good turnout of Gordoners at Richard’s funeral which took place on Tuesday 19 September.  Unfortunately we could not get there as Peter had a hospital appointment that day which had already been cancelled once so obviously we did not want to cancel again, but our thoughts were with Elaine on the day.  I know Elaine was very appreciative of all the messages of condolence she received following Richard’s death.



Because of the demise of DW earlier this year and my not knowing for a while if and when my notes would be put out, I have realised I have never put in, as I have in the past, the names of the leading Gordons so far this year.  I have usually done this following Windsor which is the half way stage in the CC allocation, but better late than never!

Up to and including Darlington, top CC winner is, of course, Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW with 11.  Runner up is Sh Ch/Int Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein with 6.  Top bitch is Sh Ch Dunfionn Rysa JW with 4.  Runners up to her are Sh Ch Laurelhach Entrapment JW and Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso Goddess JW ShCM with 3 each.  Winning  the most RCCs is Liric Souvenir JW with 4, followed by Flaxheath Top Model at Glenmaurangi and Sh Ch L Entrapment, both with 3.  Top Puppy is Kilnrae Hallmark over Keninhall with 6 BP wins and runner up to him is Cairacailie Night Of Love with Ordett with 3.

Sonja Upton-Lovett has sent through the results of the BGSC 100 club August draw.  These are £50 no 43 – Beryl Brooks;  £15 no 78 – unallocated;  £10 no 75 – Angie Palliser.


The same day as Darlington it was Worthing & DCS open show at Ardingly where BOB went to Kintalis Winter’s Knight by Rackens JW, handled as usual by Jess Horler.  He then went on to win the Gundog Group.  RBOB was Thelda Bryant’s Muckypup’s D’Artagnan.  Both the Breed and the Group were judged by Brenda  Gills (Brenros).  There were no puppies present.

At Ashford, Faversham & DCS open show at Maidstone on the same day as Belfast, BOB went to our Kyuna Olympic Arrow of Tymora ShCM and RBOB to Kintalis Winter’s Knight by Rackens JW.  Again there were no puppies present.  The Judge was Hilda Monaghan (Tweedsmuir).

On 1 October it was Beckenham Canine Association’s Open Show where the Breed was judged by Jenny Roberts.  Her BOB was Marian Thomas’s Graylacier Charlie’s Angel at Glynderys who was later placed third in the Group.  I understand she won the final point she needed for her JW at this show.  BP was Liz and Barry Williams’ Longrow Dizzy Miss Lizzy who also won a third in the Gundog Puppy Group.  The Group was judged by Nicola Spencer (Bannonbrig).  RBOB was Rachel and Ken Horler’s Kintalis Winter’s Knight by Rackens JW, shown, as usual, by Jess.

Rachel was the judge at Windsor Gundog where she gave BOB to our Kyuna Olympic Arrow of Tymora ShCM.  He then went on to be placed 4th BIS under Di Arrowsmith.  RBOB was Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Black Anvil Signed, Sealed Delivered to Hernwood (imp USA) and BP was Chris and Peter’s Hernwood Boston’s First Lady.

I also showed our Field Spaniel, as Sandra could not get the day off work, and he too went BOB, so we had a good day.  Mind you, I did a lot of running round rings so was glad to get home and put my feet up!



At City Of Birmingham, Jane Howarth was awarding CCs to the Breed for the first time.  She had a good entry of 100 making 110.  This latter figure was made up from 53 dogs and 57 bitches with absentees of 8 and 10 respectively.

It was a second CC at consecutive shows for Frances Boxall handing Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s homebred Sh Ch/Int Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein.  This makes 4 so far this year and brings his total to 12.  Later he was second in the Group.

It was also a second CC at consecutive shows for Chris and Peter Sandiford’s Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso Goddess JW ShCM.  This makes 3 CCs this year and brings her total to 31.

The RDCC brought a new young dog into the top awards for the first time when it went to Ken and Rachel Horler’s Kintalis Winter’s Knight by Rackens JW who is usually handled by Jess.  He was bred by Judith and Pete Rand in December 2014 and is by Sh Ch Lourdace Stable Lad at R ShCM x K She’s Like The Wind JW.

RBCC was a second this year for Kate, Angus and Jennifer Macara’s Sh Ch Cromasaig Bedazzled JW.

BP was a fifth for Linda Hall & Olivia Danks-Kemish’s Kilnrae Hallmark over Keninhall. This is another show that has a Junior Group and best Junior also went to K Hallmark over K.

BV went to Maggy Halliday’s Ch Yennadon The Druid JW who will be ten years old this year having been born in November 2007.

The only Gordon I could see mentioned in Stakes classes was Chris and Peter Sandiford’s Sh Ch H Diamond Rock JW ShCM who was reserve in the Veteran Stakes.

At Richmond Ludstar bred dogs took both top honours in the dog classes.  The Breed was judged by Jean Lanning whose total entry was 71 made up from 31 dogs and 40 bitches.  Absentees were 8 and 5 respectively.

DCC and BOB went to Sh Ch/Int Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein which was his fifth this year and brings his total to 13.

RDCC was awarded to Am/It Ch L Don Corleone who is owned by Sylvia Timmermann, Rhonda Cornum and Cheryl Mika.  He was bred by Michele Ivaldi in June 2010 and is by Goango Black Boss x Multi Ch L Velsheda so is a half brother to F Frankenstein.  He is not new to top awards for Jane Osborn gave him the CC together with BOB at Crufts in 2012.  He was then in the ownership of the Ivaldis.

In bitches both winners were appearing in the Green Cards for the first time.  BCC went to Liz and Barry Williams’ homebred Longrow Dancing Queen.  She was born December 2014 and is by Int Ch Kilnrae Back In Time x Graylacier Royal Applause for L.  She is the second home grown bitch of Liz and Barry’s to have had a first CC this year, for her half sister, L I Love To Boogie JW, won the BCC at Scottish Breeds.

RBCC went to Mrs E Wojcik-Maksymiec’s homebred My Shining Star Black Lofty.  She was born in July 2013 and is by Triseter Celtic Link with Laurelhach x Goango Black Essence.

BP was a second such award for Peggy Seymour and James Newton’s Pegasett Miz Guydance who was born in December last year.

BV was awarded to Karen Marsh’s Kilnrae Lil Black Number who is now ten years of age having been born in February 2007.

At Darlington Chris Atkinson was the judge where he had an entry of 86 making 94.  This latter figure was split between 41 dogs and 53 bitches.  Absentees were 12 and 7 respectively.

It was a 6th CC this year, making 14 in total, for Sh Ch Int Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein.  These have all been with BOB.  He later won the Gundog Group, judged by Sylvia Bunting and this was his third group win this year and he has also had a Group 2.  Congratulations to him and to Frances Boxall who normally handles him.

BCC was a first after a few RCCs (one of which was won at this show last year) for Peggy Seymour’s homebred Pegasett Black N Tantrum.  Born in December 2010, she is by Sh Ch Hernwood Diamond Rock JW ShCM x P Highland Wispa.

RDCC was a second this year for Chris and Bill Butler’’s Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM.

Frances Boxall had a good day for her own Sh Ch Laurelhach Entrapment JW won the RBCC which was her third this year, equalling the number of CCs she has won in the year.

BP was once again Kilnrae Hallmark over Keninhall which is his 6th such award and definitely makes him leading puppy at this stage.  BV was once again Maggy Halliday’s Ch Yennadon The Druid JW who at almost 10 years of age I think demonstrates the lasting quality of the Breed.

Gordons featured well in the stakes classes at Darlington.  Peggy Seymour and James Newton’s Pegasett Miz Guydance won the Woof House Minor Puppy Bitch stakes;  Louis Poynter’s Hernwood Thunderstorm won the Good Citizen Stakes;  Linda Hall’s Melview Moving Time came third in the Post Graduate Dog Stakes;  Liz and Barry Williams Longrow I Love To Boogie was third in the Classic Chambers Open Bitch Stakes and Maureen Justice and Connie and Ian Ford’s Liric Fusilier with Shillay JW was reserve in the Northern Event Structures Yearling Dog Stakes.

At Belfast show there were 11 Gordons entered (without CCs) and it looks as though there were only 7 present – one in Limit  dog or bitch, 4 in Open dog and 2 in Open bitch.  The Judge was Mr G Philpott.  BD and BOB was awarded to Dorothy Park, Jane Hough and Sharon Kelly’s Ir Sh Ch Minvery’s Angus McDuff Jnr Ch.  This partnership also won BB with their Ir Sh Ch M Sainted Sinner Jnr Ch.

RBD went to Ms M Quinn and Mr F McNamara’s Ir Sh Ch Ludstar Giacometti at Kilnacourt and RBB to Grace Caulfield’s Sh Ch Hernwood Black Pearl ShCM


Driffield, for a show with no CCs for the Breed, had a good entry for Ray McDonald of 31 making 32 made up from 11 (12) dogs and 20 bitches.  Absentees were 3 and 6 respectively.  I don’t know what the conditions were like on the Friday but speaking to people who went up on the Saturday they said the ground was extremely muddy.  Sounds a bit like Richmond a few years ago, for those who remember!

BD and BOB went to Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW and he later went Gp 4.  This means that so far this year he has had a Group 1, Group 2, 3 x Group 3 and 2 x Group 4.

BB was awarded to Ramsey Nagaty’s Forester’s Xclusive Edition of Darkmoor at Marlbeck (imp Deu).  This is her second BB award this year at shows without CCs, her first being at Paignton where she was BOB, but, of course, she also won the BCC at Leeds earlier this year.

RBD went to Mr McAvoy’s Laurelhach Bemm.  He was bred by Frances Boxall in August 2013 and is by Drumdaroch The Xpat To Liric x L The Passion.  RBB was Angela Phillips and Tereza Watkins’ Flaxheath Top Model at Glenmaurangi.  She later came third in the Yearling Bitch Stakes.  BP was once again Kilnrae Hallmark over Keninhall.

Only one more year to go and then we will have CCs back at Driffield.  The last time we had them there was in 1995 when the Breed went out on a high with the BOB winning the Group.  The Judge was Doreen Bowen and she had an entry of 116 making 135.  Her BOB was her BCC winner, Maureen Justice’s Breed CC record holder, Sh Ch Liric High Society.  Maureen also won the DCC with Sh Ch Wickenberry Philosopher at Liric.  RCCs went to Kath and Dave Cole’s Inkersall Bunting of Balcroft and Kate and Angus Macara’s Kalinish Gaelic Legend of Cromasaig.  BP was the Sisson’s Lourdace Glenury Royal of Lochtahr.

Hilary Tye Tel: 0208 4602049 E-mail:


    • regarding colour. The Standard now reads: “Colour Deep shining coal black, without rustiness,
      with tan markings of rich chestnut red. Tan should be lustrous. Black pencilling on toes and black
      streak under jaw permissible. …………” Amendments are underlined.
      It used to read: “Colour Deep, shiningcoal black, without rustiness, with markings of
      chestnut red, i.e. lustrous tan. Black pencilling etc.”
      Anote from Gina Melvile to say that her Tarka (TsruhnovaTarkheena) has won the final point she
      needed for her JW (subject to KC confirmation) so she joins her brother, T Tumnus, in winning this
      award. Gina is naturally delighted that both her homebred youngsters have achieved their Junior
      Warrants and can’t quite believe it!
      Gina writes that at Goyt Valley Gundog show, Tarka won Junior and went BOB although
      there were enough in Junior without the BOB win. She actually beat her mum for BOB. Well done
      to them. I make it she is the 7
      JW winner this year, 4 bitches and 3 dogs.
      The day following the Club show (22 October) it was South of England Gundog show where David
      Alcorn was judging Gordons. He had a good entry of 17 with only one absentee which was
      actually at the show but its owner was in separate ring with another breed. Sylvia Timmerman and
      Rhonda Cornum took in this show on the way back from the Club Show and went BOB with Am/It
      Ch L Don Corleone. Our Kyuna Olympic Arrow of Tymora went RBOB and was later third in the
      RBOB Stakes (also judged by David) and BP was Chris and Peter Sandiford’s Hernwood Boston’s
      First Lady (H Thunderstorm x Black Anvil Return to H (imp)) and she later went BPIS 4 under Lee
      Thanks to Laura Millar for sending through some Open Show results from Scotland.At Clydebank
      & D their Yennadon Benriach went BPIB and was also 2
      in AV Gundog Puppy. BOB was Jocelyn
      Ness’s Liric Souvenir. At Kirkintilloch, Lenzie and DCS show the following week, their Y Benriach
      again went BP and was third in AV Gundog Puppy. On this occasion BOB was Mrs Macgregor’s
      Somerled Glen Urquart.
      A piece of Breed history was made at SOUTH WALES Ch Show when Carole Macleod awarded
      the DCC to Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW for it was his 42
      and thusmakes him the record holder
      for the most dog CCs. He has now overtaken the dog CC record of 41 held since 2009 by
      Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s Sh Ch/Ita Ch Caballus EbonieAdonis Ludstar (imp). Well done
      James. This was also his 12
      CC this year. He won the RCC at this show last year.
      He did not go BOB on this occasion for this was awarded to his daughter, Kate,Angus and
      Jennifer Macara’shomebred Sh Ch Cromasaig Bedazzled JW whose dam is C Little Star and who
      was born in August 2013. This was her first this year and brings her total to 7. She has also had
      two RCCs this year.
    • Carole’s entry was 48 making 64, made up from 21 (28) dogs and 27 (36) bitches with 4
      entries also in stakes classes. Absentees were 2 (with 1 withdrawn) and4 respectively. I gather
      the weather was quite warm and dry – slightly different to Driffield.
      DRCC went to Chris and Bill Butler’s Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM
      (Drumdaroch The Xpat to Liric x Ch Y Time For Daisy) which was his third this year and, ofcourse,
      he has won 1 CC. BRCC was awarded to Jane Osborn’s Amscot Siena Spice JW which was also
      her third this year. She is a daughter of the DRCC winner x ACountry Pursuits of Boyers.
      It really was a father and daughter day for BP went to Jean Collins-Pitman’s A Love Is In
      The Air who is also by the RDCC winner x Storskogens Amor Joy of A, and was born in January
      this year.
      It was a good day for Gordoners in the Pointer ring as well for Angus handled his and
      Lynne Jamieson’s dog, Kanix News Flash at Glenfinnan, to the CC from junior.
      At GUNDOG OF WALES Steven Hollings was judging and his entry was 22 making 29. In the
      Breed classes the internet shows there were 10 dogs with 1 absentee and 13 bitches with 1
      absentee. However, there is no mention of a Limit Bitch class so there may have been entries
      which were all absent here. It really does annoy me the way Fosse do not mention a class either if
      there are no entries or if the entries are absent. Highams always mention every class whether or
      not there is an entry in it.Also, PG bitch is shown as having 7 entries with no absentees yet the
      results only go down to 4
      BB and BOB was Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso
      Goddess JW ShCM. BD was Mr R Drinkwater and Mr K Jarvis’s Reddeer Gaelic Mysteryman (Imp
      RBB wentto Marian Thomas’s Graylacier Charlie’s Angel at Glynderys and RBD was
      awarded to Louis Poynter’s Hernwood Prince Of Thieves JW. BP was Linda Hall & Olivia Danks-
      Kemish’s Kilnrae Hallmark over Kenlinhall.
      It was the BGSCs 90
      Anniversary Ch Show on 21 October and there were plenty of ‘specials’ on
      offer as well as specially designed prize cards. The Judges were Ron James (dogs) and Chris
      Lomas (bitches). There were 53 (70) dogs and 83 (111) bitches with absentees of 10 and 16
      respectively and there were 6 entries in brace.
      Repeating his win at this show last year, DCC and BIS went to Ludovica and Michele
      Ivaldi’s Sh Ch/Ita/Int Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein. This was his seventh CC this year and
      brings his total to 15. He was handled, as usual, by Frances Boxall.
      RDCC and RBIS was awarded to Am/It Ch L Don Corleone owned by Sylvia Timmermann,
      Rhonda Cornum and Cheryl Mika. He is a half brother to F Frankenstein. These two were
      repeating the wins they had under Jean Lanning at Richmond this year.
      It was a new name in the frame for the BCC and BOS in show, for it went to Sue and Fred
      Evans Burroughtof DarkAmber von Langstrumpf who won PG bitch. She was bred in July 2015
      by Enid and Geoff Mawby and is by Lainnireach Highland Mist x Glenarden Blackburn Skua.
    • RBCC was a 4
      such award for Jane Osborn’s Amscot Siena Spice JW and, as at S Wales,
      keeping it in the family, BPIS was her half sister,Jean Collins-Pitman’s ALove Is In The Air. Last
      year, A Siena Spice went BPIS.
      BVIS was Elaine Roberts and Carole and Maurice Watson’s Sh Ch Kyuna Colour Of Magic
      at Moonglade who is now coming up for 9 years of age having been born in December 2008. At
      this show last year she won the BCC and was RBIS.
      Kay and Ian Reid’s pair won the brace class; Best Colour was won by Liz and Barry
      Williams’ Longrow Dizzy Miss Lizzy and Best feet was won by Ramsey Nagaty’s Forester’s
      Xclusive Edition of Darkmoor at Marlbeck (imp).
      Jenny Roberts, Secretary of the BGSC, emailed to say: “The results of our Anniversary
      Draw are as follows: The main winners were – 1
      prize Mr Stott, 2
      prize Mr P Wyer, 3
      Prize Mrs
      E Redding, 4
      prize Mr & Mrs Stevens plus many more lucky winners. The lucky catalogue
      number was 32, winning a bottle of Prosecco and Chocs, which was not claimed on the day, so
      please can you all check the back of your catalogue and contact Jenny on Tel: 01453 548105.”
      MIDLAND COUNTIES does not, of course, have CCs for us any more but they still put on 8
      classes for the Breed. This year the judge was Pat Butler-Holley (Irish Setters and Welsh
      Springers) and she had an entry of 31 making 40. This was made up from 16 (17) dogs and 15
      (17) bitches with 6 repeats in the Stakes classes. Absentees were 3 and 6 respectively. On this
      occasion I did have a catalogue to which to refer as Junior dog was not mentioned on the Fosse
      Data website, yet there were 2 entries, 1 new dog and 1 repeat but both were absent. Also, I
      noticed that PG bitch showed 4 entries with 2 absent yet there was only mention of 1
      place so
      presumably there were 3 absent.
      BB and BOB went to Chris and Peter Sandiford’s Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso Goddess JW
      ShCM. BD also went to a Hernwood bred dog in Louis Poynter’s H Thunderstorm. He later won
      the Good Citizen Stakes class. He must be notching these up for it is certainly not the first time he
      has won this Stakes class – also good for the pocket!
      RBB was awarded to Peggy Seymour’s Pegasett Black N Tantrum and her daughter, Peggy
      and James Newton’s P Miz Guydance was BP. She did well in Stakes classes, coming 2
      in the
      Puppy Bitch Stakes and reserve in the Junior Stakes.
      RBD was Chris and Peter’s Sh Ch H Diamond Rock, who, of course, is sire of the RBB so it
      was quite a family affair. He was later reserve in the Veteran Stakes. It doesn’t seem possible he
      is ten years old now having been born in August 2007.
      Tilly Thomas has sent through a report of the Field Trials this year as follows: “What a year we
      have had with the Field Trial Competitions this Year! With 11 different Gordon Setters getting
      We started off in the Spring Grouse Trials which start Northumbria and then go to Scotland.
      Sara Chichester started the year with a bang winningthe Open Stake at Irish Setter
    • Association/Setter and Pointer Club Trial with Wiscombe Tomintoul. We then moved to Scotland
      where Will and Barbara Smith’s Yennadon Fairisle at Clacorick gained a 3rd place in the Novice
      Trial hosted by the Northern Counties Setter and Pointer Club. Nicky Ackerley-Kemp’s Champion
      bitch Yennadon Timefor Daisy gained a Certificate of Merit at the GordonSetter
      Association/Gordon Setter Club of Scotland Novice Trial.
      At the Scottish Gundog Associations Open Field Trial, Penny Darragh’s Zetterjarns Optimal
      of Ensay (Imp Swe) was awarded a Certificate of Merit, as was Tilly Thomas’s Chartan Hermione
      Grainger. 2 days later Tilly Thomas gained another Certificate of Merit in an Open Stake, but this
      time with Chartan Treacle Tart JW at the Scottish Field Trial Association Trial.
      We then moved down to the Spring Trials in Suffolk with Partridge/Pheasantas the quarry.
      Here, we only had 1 award, Tilly Thomas’s Chartan Treacle Tart JW , who managed a 3rd prize in
      the Open Stake run by the English Setter Club.
      A little break now before the Summer Trials began, again in Northumbria, Co Durham,
      Yorkshire etc then moving on up to Scotland for the August trials ending just before the shooting
      season starts on Grouse ie.12th August.
      It was Tilly Thomas’s Chartan Hermione Grainger who started the Gordons off, with a
      Certificate of Merit in the Open Stake ran by Dukeries Gundog. This was quickly followed by Sara
      Chichester gaining a 2nd in the Yorkshire Gundog Open Stake with Wiscombe Tomintoul. Then we
      had Gill Truman’s bitch Whitepaws of Gawcott gain a Certificate of Merit in the Novice Trial held by
      West Dart Gundog Club ably handled by Maddy Raynor.
      At the English Setter Club’s Open Trial, Nicky Harris gained a Certificate ofMerit with
      Trollstienens Neamour of Clitters. Sara Chichester then had a Certificate of Merit at the Irish
      Setter Association/Setter and Pointer Clubs Open Stake with Wiscombe Tomintoul.
      We then had the Gordon Setter Breed Stake held near Reith in Yorkshire so of course only
      Gordons in the awards! With 1st place going to Penny Darragh’s Zetterjarns Optimal of Ensay
      (Imp Swe); 2nd place to Fran Toulson’s Deerswood Isla of Warrenfell; 3rd place to Sara
      Chichester’s Ft Ch. Little Treasure of Gawcott; 4th place to Nicky Harris’s Trollstienens Neamour
      of Clitters. The last award in the Grouse Trials in England went to Kay and Gordon Ross’s girl,
      Lockama Camberwell Beauty with a Certificate of Merit in the Novice Stake ran by the International
      Gundog League.
      Then we go to Scotland for the last of the GrouseTrials and the first award for Gordons
      there was to Nicky Harris’s Trollsteinen’s Neamour of Clitters with a 3rd in Northern Counties Open
      Stake. The Scottish Gundog Associations Open Stake gave us two award winners, with Nicky
      Harris again with Trollsteinen’s Neamour of Clitters gaining a 2nd place and Penny Darragh with
      her Zetterjarns Optimal of Ensay (Imp Swe) gaining a 4th place. And the last award went to Penny
      Darragh’s import Zetterjarns Optimal of Ensay with a Certificate of Merit in the OpenStake hosted
      by the North of Scotland Gundog Ass.
      We also had theAutumn Trials held in Norfolk in September for just a week where on the
      last day, Sara Chichester with her Wiscombe Tomintoul was awarded a 2nd prize in the Open
      Stake run by Mid Herts Gundog club.
      • Monthly (November/December) Notes for BGSC Website 2017 (09)
        These notes will be my last before Christmas so I and my family would like to take the opportunity
        to send to Gordoners everywhere, our wish that you have a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas.
        Reading through some of the critiques in the paper I sometimes get quite annoyed at the way they
        are written. I am talking generally, not just Gordon critiques. Some judges of Ch shows write
        about the first two in a class and do not mention a third placed dog even when there are more than
        three shown as entered. In most Ch show classes the third placed dog qualifies for Crufts so
        exhibitors may not be too happy if no mention is made of their dog particularly if it is the first time it
        has qualified. At some open shows, judges sometimes do a write-up on the first place and then do
        not even mention second and third. New exhibitors, especially, like to see their dog’s name in print
        even if it did not win a first place.
        Another thing I find annoying is when in variety classes the judge does not mention the
        breed of dog in a critique. Are we expected to know the breed? This also often applies in write-
        ups on Groups.
        Thinking specifically of Gordon critiques I have seen some points made by non-breed
        judges that make me wonderif they have read the Breed standard. One bitch about which I read,
        was described as ‘streamlined’. Not a description that would easily come to mind about a Gordon.
        I have seen remarks about ‘excellent pencilling between toes’. Our Breed standard states ‘Black
        pencilling on toes and black streak under jaw permissible’. If something is permissible, to my mind
        it is not an ‘excellent’ attribute. Other points I have seen mentioned are to do with the muzzle.
        Sometimes it is praised for being ‘long’ and sometimes ‘deep’, neither of which is correct for it
        should be ‘fairly long’ but not as long as from occiput to stop and it should be ‘not quite as deep as
        its length’. I could go on but think I have moaned enough.
        Following on from the above, I have just read another critique, again from a non breed
        judge, which refers to a Gordon as having the ‘bone and substance required for the heavy weight
        hunter of the Setter world’. Our Breed Standard states the Gordon ‘can be compared to a weight-
        carrying hunter’. I am no expert on horses but I believe there is quite a difference between a
        weight-carrying hunter and a heavy-weight hunter.
        I noticed a report in the paper recently on the 39
        World Championships of Practical
        Hunting for Pointing Breeds and the World St Hubert Championships held in Herm in the Landes
        region of France. Apparently a number of countries compete, each with a team of British Pointers
        and/or a team of Continental Pointers with from two to four dogs in each team. Reading the
        results for team GB I see that Sara Chichester with her Gordon Setter,Little Treasure of Gawcott
        was 1
        with an Excellent on Day 1 of the British Pointing Breeds. Sara, along with John Naylor
        and Maddy Raynor came 2
        in the Team World British Pointing Breeds Championships.
        In the World St Hubert Championships, Sara and Maddy Raynor took 2
        place in the
      • Ladies Team World Championship. Apparently this is only the third time Team GB has taken part
        in this competition. Congratulations to the GB team and especially to Sara and Little Treasure on
        their achievements.
        Yvonne Slaughter has emailed as follows: “I have now had it confirmed that Layla ‘Cairacaile Night
        of Love With Ordett’ is the BGSC Top Puppy 2017. Bred by Jenny and Bob Roberts from a bitch I
        have always loved Sh.Ch. Cairacaile Devoted ex Sh Ch Laurelhach Limited Edition at Yohenoak.
        She has certainly been a challenge and is very full on most of the time, loving everybody and
        everything, but it is in the Show Ring where Layla seems to get her act together and behave, well
        most of the time. I would like to thank everybody who has helped me achieve this especially Jess
        Horler who has been my legs most of the time and who Layla adores. There have also been
        several other people who have helped when Jess wasn’t there and I am very grateful to you all as
        without your help I would not be able to take part in this Hobby which has now taken up nearly 40
        years of my life. Just think of all that money I could have saved!!!!.” Well done Yvonne and Layla.
        KC NEWS
        In the Breed Records Supplement for the third quarter there are 30 puppies registered from 4
        litters, plus two importations. This total of 32 compares with 81 last quarter and 47 in the same
        quarter last year. It brings the total registrations so far this year up to 188 which compares with
        228 for the same period last year.
        The hip scores of 19 dogs are recorded with an average of 15.78. This compares with 12.8
        last quarter and 9.36 for the first quarter when there were also scores of 19 dogs recorded. It
        brings the average for the year so far up from 10.12 to 12.43. However, the overall score for the
        period for which I have records still managed to reduce by 0.04 – from 19.35 to 19.31.
        DNAtests for PRArcd-4 showed three carriers and 5 clear and the GPRA results showed
        25 as unaffected, 10 of which had previously been recorded.
        I think most people know but it has finally been confirmed in the December KC Journal that
        the Judge for Richmond next year will be Jane Osborn. This means we are just waiting for the
        Judge for the August SKC. Has anybody any idea who this might be. It is quite strange as in the
        December Journal all the Judges were announced for both the May and August SKC shows in
        At East Kent show the day following Setter & Pointer,BOB went to Liz Ashton’s Yennadon
        Renaissance at Gaideburn and RBOB to our Kyuna Olympic Arrow of Tymora. There were no
        puppies present. The Judge was Andrew Scourfield (Danton).
        Laura Millar regularly lets me have open show results from Scotland for which I am grateful. She
        went to Land O’ Burns Canine Club show where her Yennadon Benriach won Post Graduate and
        went BOB.
      • Debra Harker emailed to say that she went to Stroud and District CS show on 26 November where
        her new puppy, Hernwood Achilles at Ettrick (Hector) wonAVNSC puppy, went best puppy and
        then won the puppy group. She was thrilled as it was only his second show at 6½ months and it
        was the first puppy group she has ever had. The Judge was Jane Howarth.
        Laura Millar emailed with some more good results for her Yennadon Benriachwho, at Waverley
        Gundog, won Junior and went BP. He was also first in AV Puppy Dog. BOB went to Vassie’s
        Florcott Sherilyn Bonnie.
        In its usual slot the day after GBAS it was the GSCS Open Show, judged this year by Craig
        Davidson. Sharon Green emailed me the main results which were: BIS Annemarie Warren’s
        Benbuie Secret Agent; RBIS & BVIS Mary Danks’ Liric Tuxedo Rag; BOS Grace Caulfield’s Sh Ch
        HernwoodBlack Pearl ShCMand BP Laura Millar’s YennadonBenriach. I have now seen on the
        website thatthe total entry was 87, made up from 31 dogs and 51 bitches with 2 in joint FT and 3
        in joint Special Vintage. There were also three in progeny and 3 in brace. Absentees were 4 dogs
        and 11 bitches. I also note that RBB went to Judith and Pete Rand’s Hernwood Summer Eclipse
        at Kintalis.
        At Guildford & DCS Open Show at Ardingly, which was on the same day as the GSCS Open Show,
        BOB was Rachel and Ken Horler’s Kintalis Winter’s Knight by Rackens JW and RBOB Thelda
        Bryant’s Muckypups D’Artagnan JW ShCM. There were once again no puppies present. The
        Breed was judged by Ray Strudwick (Burpham).
        At Horsham Open Show, Rachel and Ken Horler’s Murphy, Kintalis Winter’s Knight by Rackens
        JW, went BOB and was later 4
        in the group. BP was Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire
        Lewis’s HernwoodApollo who went on to PGp2. Well done to them both. The Breed was judged
        by Hilary Male (Malenbrook) and the Group by Margaret Bunce.
        At Coventry Gundog, where the judge was Craig Davidson (Glenquest), BOB went to Annemarie
        Warren’s Benbuie Secret Agent JW; RBOB to Anthony Burke’s Ecameadow The Explorer and BP
        to Angie and Guy Palliser’s Lignum Black Shadow.
        At Woolwich, Bexley & DCAshow, Murphy once again went BOB; RBOB was our Fletcher, Kyuna
        Olympic Arrow of Tymora ShCM and another Lignum puppy went BP. Thistime it was Karen
        Marsh’s L Black Lightning at Kilnrae. The Judge was Jennifer Macara (Cromasaig). At this show
        Rachel told me that Murphy had tested clear for PRA rcd-4.
        Also At Woolwich, Bexley, our Field Spaniel Tango, Thandiwe Last Tango of Tymora ShCM, went
        Best AVNSC Gundog and Gp 4 so we had a good day. The AVNSC classes were judged by Angus
      • Macara Cromasaig) and the Group by Barbara Mills (Millwater).
        More news from Laura Millar who has emailed that at Carluke & District Open Show on 16
        December, her YennadonBenriach won Special Yearling and Post Graduate and was then
        declared BOB. The Judge was Mr Frank Gilroy.
        We are entering a quiet time of the year for news so please do let me have details of any of your
        open show wins or any other news. Remember, unlike when my notes were published in Dog
        World, I don’t just have to keep mention of your wins to those in groups. I can put in BOBs,
        RBOBs and any wins in AV classes etc.
        I have had to take all the SETTER & POINTER results from the internet as I was not able to go
        and do not have a catalogue. Angus Macara was judging and his total entry was 135 split between
        60 dogs and 69 bitches with 6 in the joint Field Trial and Special Working classes – 2 dogs and 4
        bitches. There were no absentees marked on the Fosse Data site.
        In a repeat of his win at this show last year, DCC, BOB and RBIS went to Sh Ch/Multi Ch
        Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein ownedby Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi and handled by Frances
        Boxall. This was his 8
        CC this year, all of which have been with BOB.
        RDCC went to Chris and Bill Butler’s Yenndon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM which was
        his 4
        such award this year and, of course, he has also won 1 CC.
        BCC was a first for Jane Osborn’sAmscot Siena Spice JWalthough she is not new to top
        awards for she has won 4 RCCs so far this year. Last year at this show she went BP and RBPIS.
        RBCC was awarded to Frances Boxall’s Sh Ch Laurelhach Entrapment JW which was also
        her 4
        this year, plus she has won 3 CCs.
        BP was a third such award for Jean Collins-Pitman’s homebred Amscot Love Is In The Air.
        She is a half sister to the BCC winner having the same sire (Y Lochan at R) but x Storskogens
        Amor Joy ofA(imp Swe). She went one better than her half sister by going BPIS so Gordons had
        a very good day.
        BV was Carole and Maurice Watson and Elaine Roberts’ Sh Ch Kyuna Colour Of Magic at
        Moonglade. She is certainly notching up BV wins at the moment.
        In the Stakes classes, judged by Aidine Howes, Maggy Halliday’s Ch Yennadon The Druid
        JW was reserve in Veteran; Linda Hall’s Melview Moving Time JW was VHC in Open and Sue and
        Chris Mitchell’s Roydack Ruby Hidden Gem at Brobruick JW was Reserve in Good Citizen.
        The penultimate set of CCs for the Breed was awarded at GBAS by Bill Bunce who had made the
        long trip up from deepest Sussex. He had an entry of 75 making 94. In the Breed classes the
        total entry was 81 made up from 36 dogs and 45 bitches. Absentees were 7 and 4 respectively.
        DCC and BOB was a final flourish of the year for David Alcorn, David Crowther and José
        Baddeley’s Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW. This was his 13
        this year and makes him top CC
      • winning Gordon, 2017. It brings his total to 43. I know there is still LKAto go but remember, Sue
        Mitchell gave James the CC at Crufts last year. At GBAS last year he won the RCC.
        BCC went to Ramsey Nagaty’s Forester’s Xclusive Edition of Darkmoor at Marlbeck (imp
        Deu) (Earthfire From Fire’sons Garden x Courtier’s Charming Sweet Angel) who was bred by
        Dagmar Bartels in August 2013. This was her second CC this year.
        RDCC brought a new dog to the top awards when it was awarded to Mrs MacGregor’s
        Somerled Glen Urquart. He was bred by Eileen Hill in June 2012 and is by Sh Ch Inkersall Alauda
        at Clohass x Munroc Flying High over S.
        RBCC went to Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso
        Goddess JW ShCM. This was her first this year although she has, of course, won 3 CCs. At this
        show last year she won the BCC and BOB and was placed 4
        in the Group.
        BP went to Laura Millar’s Yennadon Benriach which was his second such award. He was
        bred by Nicky Ackerley-Kemp in January this year and is by Y Lochan at Rubymoon JWShCM x Y
        In the Stakes classes, Sue and Geoff Tong’s Benbuie Rose Quartz with Kellizlot won Junior
        Bitch; Louis and Elaine Poynter’s Hernwood Thunderstorm was second in Post Graduate Dog and
        Barbara and Will Smith’s Yennadon Fairisle of Clacorick and Y Carrick of C were second and third
        respectively in Field Trial.
        On paper, Sue Mitchell’s entry at LKA was a good one with 91 dogs making 99 entries. However,
        on the Sunday Mother Nature decided to drop several inches of snow on large swathes of the UK
        and many exhibitors decided to heed the warnings not to drive, thus there were a lot of absentees.
        This was not just in Gordons but in all breeds scheduled on the Sunday, which was a great shame.
        I must admit that had I been entered I would not have driven up through the snow.
        I, like Sue, was judging at LKA and,like Sue, I had taken a train up on the Saturday which,
        as it turned out, was very sensible. Fortunately the trains were running on the Sunday to take us
        home. I seem to remember this happened to LKA once before, I think in the ‘90s. Gundogs were
        on the first day, so were not affected on that occasion. When we walked into the halls on the
        Sunday morning it was a little like walking into a ghost town. I have never seen so many empty
        Sue’s entry in the classes was 90 (99), made up from 39 (44) dogs and 51 (55) bitches with
        1 NFC. Absentees were 28 dogs and 35 bitches – I hope it is a long time before I have to write
        about this number of absentees again.
        BCC and BOB went to Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Sh Ch Hernwood
        Calypso Goddess JW ShCM (Sh Ch H Talladega Racer JW ShCM x H Gipsy Rose). This was her
        fourth CC this year and brings her total to 32. This makes her joint top CC winning bitch this year.
        DCC was a 1
        this year and 2
        overall for Jocelyn Ness’s Liric Souvenir JW (Boyers
        Strauss ShCM x Sh Ch Liric Blac Onyx JW). He has also had 4 RCCs this year.
        RBCC was a first this year for Sue and Fred Evans Burroughtof Dark Amber von
        Langstrumpf (Lainnireach Highland Mist x Glenarden Blackburn Skua) although she did, of course,
    • win the CC at the BGSC Ch Show this year.
      RDCC was a second this year for Jean Collins-Pitman’s homebredAmscot Raisin Black
      (Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM x A Country Pursuits of Boyers).
      BP also went to Jean with her ALove Is In The Air who is a halfsister to theRDCC winner
      having the same sire but x Storskogens Amor Joy of A. This was her 4
      such award this year. She
      was later 3
      in the Puppy Stakes
      BV was Kay and Ian Reid’s DunfionnMorar at Diersett (D Kiel of Clohass x D Iona). She
      will be 10 in mid January and certainly did not show it moving round the ring.
      At this time of year I usually do a round-up of the year’s CC winners etc. I have already mentioned
      that ShCh Lourdace Fulcrum JW is the top CC winning dog this year and now David Alcorn has
      emailed to say thatOur Dogs have updatedtheir website and James is also top Gundog with 53
      points in total. Naturally all involved with James are thrilled. David is notsure when last a Gordon
      topped the gundog group but says someone seemed to think it was Sh Ch Liric High Society in
      1995. Does anyone know if this is correct? Many congratulations to David and James.
      James ended the year with 13 CCs making 43 in total, 11 BOBs, a group 1, 2, three x
      group 3 and 2 x group 4. He was also BIS at the GSA Ch Show and the GSCS Ch Show.
      Runner up to James is Sh Ch/Int Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein who has won 8 CCs
      this year (exactly the same as last year) which brings his total to 16.All thesehavebeen with
      BOB. He has had 3 x Gp1 and a Gp2, and was RBIS at Setter & Pointer and BIS at the BGSC Ch
      Show, which was exactly as he did last year.
      There are joint top bitch winners, ShCh Dunfionn Rysa JW and Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso
      Goddess JW, who both have 4 CCs. D Rysa has had 2 BOBs and H Calypso Goddess 1 BOB.
      HILARY TYE Tel: 0208 4602


      Monthly (November/December) Notes for BGSC Website 2018  (01)


      Rather belated, but a Happy New Year to you all.  I hope you have remembered to check that your subscriptions to the Breed Clubs have been paid.  If not you will not be receiving ballot papers enabling you to vote at the AGMs, plus other items from the clubs during the year.

      I also hope you remembered your entries for the BGSC and GSA Yearbooks.  These are a good record of the breed to be looked back on in future years.

      Crufts entries have, of course, closed.  Considering Crufts is one show which has a platform for Gundogs that work by way of their Gamkeepers’ classes, it seems such a shame that some people, especially those in HPR breeds, who work their dogs but have their tails docked to prevent injury whilst working, cannot take them to this prestigious show.  Surely these dogs are great examples of ‘fit for function’ and doing the work for which they were bred and so should be able to demonstrate this at a show such as Crufts.

      Gordons, have been and can be affected in the same way.  Lots of us have experienced the dreaded ‘split tail’ and know how hard it can be to get the tail to heal.  I am sure we all have our own methods of treatment and sometimes healing occurs comparatively quickly and sometimes it does not.  We have personally experienced all types of healing with Gordons over the years and also with our Field Spaniels who seem to thrash their tails far more than do the Gordons!

      Some dogs will eventually have to have a small portion of the tail taken off to ensure it heals completely.  Unfortunately, this counts as having the tail docked and any dog that has had to have this done cannot be entered at any show at which the public pay for entry.  Most Ch Shows do not now charge the public for entry, the only exceptions, I am sure, are now Crufts and LKA – so a Gordon which has had even a small amount of its tail amputated, cannot enter for these shows.  When an owner has had this done with the welfare of the dog as their main concern it seems ridiculous that it is under the ‘Welfare of Animals’ act that a dog is excluded from being shown.

      As in previous years I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you who sent me items for inclusion during the year.  Without your contributions the notes could often have been very short.  Please keep up with your news, whether happy or sad, in 2018.  I would also like to thank everyone who sent through results from shows not attended by me during the year.  These all help to keep my records up to date.


      Sonja Upton-Lovett has sent through the results of the BGSC 100 club draw for December.  These were £50 no 82 – unallocated;  £15 no 70 – Angie Cairns;  £10 no 64 – Chris Brandon Lodge.

      Jocelyn Ness emailed to say that her Liric Souvenir JW is the BGSC joint winner of the Firebird Trophy for Top RCC Winning Dog 2017.  He is also Runner up for the GSA Mildred Adams’ Memorial Trophy for Top Winning Limit Dog 2017.  Jocelyn says he won this trophy in 2016 so being Runner up in 2017 is quite something, the points having been accrued in just 6 months before he won out of Limit and had to go up to Open classes from July.  She is naturally very proud of her boy.

      A delighted Gina Melville emailed to say that she has had it confirmed that her Tsruhnova Tumnus is Top Junior Dog for both the GSA and BGSC and his sister,T Tarkheena, is Top Junior Bitch for the GSA and runner up Top Junior (to Tumnus) for the BGSC.  She says that what with them both getting their Junior Warrants this was more than she could have imagined from her first litter.  To cap it all their dam, Kilnrae Party Time at Tsruhnova is GSA Top Brood Bitch.

      Recently David Alcorn sent to me some statistics for the website from which it seems that the international spread of readers has widened.  Many thanks to all who read these notes wherever you are and please, if you have any news or views you would like me to include, send them to me.

      We on the Eastern side of the country will be losing another good venue.  Apparently this will be the last year for shows at Wood Green Animal Shelter at Godmanchester.  Shows booked for 2018 will be able to continue there but after that apparently the large arena is due to be pulled down.  Luton CA has already announced that their 2018 Premier two day show held just after Christmas will be moving to the KC Building at Stoneleigh.  For us personally it will mean a lot longer journey so it will probably mean another show crossed off our list.  Wood Green is a very good venue with plenty of parking, room in the arena for large rings, plenty of seating and an excellent, reasonably priced restaurant.  A great shame to be losing it.


      Laura Millar and her Yennadon Benriach continued their winning ways after Christmas when at Livingston Canine Society Open Show he went BP and BOB, was shortlisted in the group and then won the Puppy Group.

      At Luton Premier Open Show BOB went to Carol Smith’s Glenkinchie Soul Drifter, who was later shortlisted in the Group, and RBOB and BP went to Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Hernwood Apollo.  The Breed was judged by Laurie Hunt (Setthornes) and the Group by Ray Morland (Triken).

      Jean Collins-Pitman has written to say that at Border Counties Gundog Vegas, Amscot Love Is In The Air, won 3 1st places, was BP in Breed and Puppy Group 3.  This meant she achieved her Junior Warrant at just 12 months old.  The Breed was judged by Anne Moss and the Group by Richard Stafford.  Naturally Jean is delighted.  Vegas is by Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM and Int and German VDH Ch Storskogens Amor Joy of A (imp Swe).


      At Boston where we do not have CCs, the Breed was judged by Christine Morgan.  Taken from the internet her total entry in the Breed classes was 37, made up from 19 dogs and 18 bitches with absentees of 2 and 5 respectively.

      BB & BOB went to Annette Mappin’s Bryerdale Texas Star JW.  Bred by Annette in January 2014 she is by B Oor Cantona x B Not On Ur.  BD was Jan Gunnery’s Clohass Flyin Ace.  He was bred by Christine Clark in October 2013 and is by Liric Freeflight to Beminah x Sh Ch Dunfionn Onich of C.

      RBB was Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso Goddess JW ShCM (Sh Ch H Talladega Racer JW ShCM x H Gypsy Rose) and RBD went to Mr & Mrs Hall’s Kilnrae Hallmark over Kenlinhall who was bred by Karen Marsh in November 2016 and is by Muckpup’s D’Artagnan JW x K Scotch The Rumour JW.

      BP was Jean Collins-Pitman’s homebred Amscot Love Is In The Air.  She was born in January 2017 and is by Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM x Storskogens Amor Joy of A (imp Swe).  She later won the day’s round of the Puppy Stakes.  The only other Gordon I saw mentioned in the Stakes classes was Kintalis Winter’s Knight by Rackens JW who, handled by Jess, came 4th in the YKC Members’ Stakes.

      Frances Boxall has had a good start to the year for she handled both CC winners at Manchester.  The Judge was Sjoerd Jobse from Sweden and he had an entry of 103 making 109.  This latter figure was made up from 51 dogs and 58 bitches and there were absentees of 8 and 15 respectively.  I gather the weather was not great so some exhibitors may have decided not to make the journey.

      DCC and BOB was Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s Sh Ch/Int Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein (Aus Ch Triseter Celtic Ice x Ita/Int/Eur/World Ch L Velsheda).  This brings his overall total to 17.  He was later shortlisted in the Group.

      BCC was Frances’s own Sh Ch Laurelhach Entrapment JW (Triseter Celtic Link with L (imp) x Sh Ch L Legacy JW) which brings her overall total to 5.

      DRCC went to Lesley and Steve Robson’s Liric For Your Eyes Only by Yohenoak JW.  Bred by Maureen Justice in September 2013 he is by Sh Ch Laurelhach Limited Edition at Y x Lochfain An Aus By Design to L.  He is not new to top awards for he won a RCC in 2016.

      RBCC went to Jean Collins-Pitman’s VDH & Int Ch Storskogens Amor Joy of Amscot.  She was bred in November 2013 by Mrs B Jonsson and is by Yukki Hill Mesmerizer for Silent North x A Gone With The Wind.  She also is not new to top awards having previously won 1 CC and a few RCCs.

      I had heard that Debra Harker was quite worried when she could not get to LKA because of the snow as that show and Manchester were the only two chances she had of qualifying her puppy for Crufts (she was not entered at Boston).  Well, she certainly qualified him in style at Manchester, winning three classes and going BPIB.  Her puppy is Hernwood Achilles at Ettrick who was bred by Chris and Peter Sandiford, born on 13 May 2017 and by Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW x Sh Ch H Calypso Goddess JW ShCM.

      There is no mention of a best Veteran despite veteran classes for each sex being classified.


      We now know all the judges for 2018 so here they are:  Manchester – Mr S Jobse*;  Crufts – Kate Macara;  Scottish Breeds – Tony Green;  GSA – Sandra Tye (dogs) and Frances Boxall – bitches;  WELKS – Kath Cole;  Birmingham National – Michelle Day *;  GSCS – Pam Davies;  SKC (May) – Jock Mackay;  Bath – Russell Mosedale;  SCCA – Jeff Horswell*;  Three Counties – Stella Woodhouse;  Border Union – Jill Dixon;  Blackpool – Brian Limpus;  Windsor – Graham Lambert;  East Of England – Jenny Miller;  Leeds – Kathryne Wrigley;  NGA – Jenny Lowe*;  Bournemouth –  Karen Marsh;  WKC – Ludovica Salamon*;  SKC (August) – Jean Collins-Pitman; City Of Birmingham – Sue Wrigley;  Richmond – Jane Osborn;  Darlington – Ben Bennett;  South Wales – Claire Lewis*;  BGSC – Carol Moore (dogs) and Frank Kane (bitches);  Setter & Pointer – Elaine Roberts;  GBAS – Mick Howes and finally LKA – Per Iverson.  Judges marked with * are awarding CCs to the Breed for the first time.  Crufts 2019 will be judged by Yvonne Slaughter.

      The Breed Open show judges are:  BGSC – Anthony Burke;  GSA – Judith Rand and GSCS – Donald McNeil.

      Jean Collins-Pitman (SKC August) and Jane Osborn (Richmond) are the two judges who were missing from the last list I had in my notes in October last year.

      Quite a few judges have already been announced for 2019 and remember we will have two extra sets of CCs next year bringing the total up from 28 to 30.  These extra CCs will be at Paignton and Driffield.


      Some more results from 2017.  The 28 sets of CCs on offer for each sex, were shared between 8 different dogs and 18 different bitches.  Four dogs and six bitches shared the 28 BOBs with dogs winning 21 and bitches 7.

      Topping the CC winners was, as mentioned previously, David Alcorn, José Baddeley and David Crowther’s, Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW with 13, 11 with BOB.  Runner-up to him was Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s Sh Ch/Int Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein, who had 8 all with BOBs.  The next highest CC winners were Rhona Frew’s Sh Ch Dunfionn Rysa JW and Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso Goddess JW ShCM who both had 4 with Rysa winning 2 BOBs and Calypso Goddess 1 BOB.

      Runner-up to the top dog CC winners, with 2 CCs, was Toni Michalak’s Sh Ch Kyuna Calypso (1 BOB).  Runner-up to the top bitch CC winners was Frances Boxall’s Sh Ch Laurelhach Entrapment JW with 3 CCs.

      Continuing with the bitches, with 2 CCs was Ramsey Nagaty’s Forester’s Xclusive Edition of Darkmoor at Marlbeck (imp deu) and Carol Moore’s Sh Ch Gadhelic Spirit Of The Celt JW.  With 1 CC each were Jane Osborn’s Amscot Siena Spice JW;  Annette Mappin’s Bryerdale Texas Star JW (1 BOB);  Sue and Fred Evans’ Burroughtof Dark Amber von Langstrumpf;  Kate, Angus and Jennifer Macara’s Sh Ch Cromasaig Bedazzled JW (1 BOB);  Grace Caulfield’s Hernwood Black Pearl ShCM;  Poppie Jaconelli’s Sh Ch Hernwood Causin A Storm for Togipoto;  Chris and Peter Sandiford and Nikki Keen’s Hernwood Luna Eclipse JW;  Elaine Roberts and Carole and Maurice Watson’s Sh Ch Kyuna Colour Of Magic at Moonglade (1 BOB);  Angie and Guy Palliser and Lesley Robson’s Lignum Tornado JW (1 BOB);  Leigh Inger and Stewart Glover’s Liric Blu Magic;  Liz and Barry Williams’ Longrow Dancing Queen and Longrow I Love To Boogie JW;  and Peggy Seymour’s Pegasett Black N Tantrum.

      In dogs, with 1 CC apiece it was Sheila Graham’s Clohass Killie Crankie;  Louis Poynter’s Hernwood Prince Of Thieves JW;  Jocelyn Ness’s Liric Souvenir JW;  Connie and Ian Ford’s Sh Ch Liric Special Fanfare with Shillay JW ShCM and Chris and Bill Butler’s Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM.

                  For those dogs and bitches on 2 CCs I am sure their owners will be hoping 2018 will be their lucky year to win that elusive third.

      As for the breeders of CC winners, Chris and Peter Sandiford bred 5, Maureen Justice bred 3 and Carol and Maurice Watson and Liz and Barry Williams both bred 2.

      Seventeen different dogs and 17 different bitches shared the 28 sets of RCCs for each sex awarded during the year.  Surprisingly this is exactly the same numbers as 2016.  Six of the dogs and ten of the bitches had also won CCs.

      There was no outright winner of the most RCCs for two dogs and two bitches each won 4.  In dogs it was Jocelyn Ness’s Liric Souvenir JW and Chris and Bill Butler’s Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM.  In bitches it was Jane Osborn’s Amscot Siena Spice JW and Frances Boxall’s Sh Ch Laurelhach Entrapment JW.  The two dogs and A Siena Spice also won 1 CC and L Entrapment 3 CCs.

      Runner up in dogs was Rhonda Cornum, Sylvia Timmermann and Cheryl Mika’s Am/It Ch Ludstar Don Corleone with 3.  In bitches the runner up with 3 was Angela Phillips and Tereza Watkins’ Flaxheath Top Model at Glenmaurangi JW.

      Three dogs won 2 each and these were Jean Collins-Pitman’s Amscot Raisin Black, Jenny, Bob and Katherine Roberts’ Cairacailie Discovery and Toni Michalak’s Kyuna Calypso (CC).  Three bitches also each won 2 and these were Kate, Angus and Jennifer Macara’s Sh Ch Cromasaig Bedazzled JW (CC), Elaine Roberts and Carole and Maurice Watson’s Kyuna Believe In Magic JW and Jean Collins-Pitman’s Storskogens Amor Joy of Amscot.

      This leaves 11 dogs and 11 bitches with 1 RCC apiece.  In dogs these were:  Mr & Mrs Miller’s Brookes Shadow Mover,  Rhona Frew’s Dunfionn Portsoy,  Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s Sh Ch/Int Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein,  Carol Smith’s Glenkinchie Soul Drifter, Poppi Jaconelli and Chris and Peter Sandiford’s Hernwood American Pharaoh,  Rachel and Ken Horler’s Kintalis Winter’s Knight by Rackens JW, Maureen Justice and Connie and Ian Ford’s Liric Fusilier with Shillay JW and Connie and Ian’s Sh Ch Liric Special Fanfare with Shillay JW ShCM, David Alcorn, David Crowther and José Baddeley’s Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW, Sue and Chris Mitchell’s Roydack Ruby Hidden Gem at Brobruick JW and Mrs Macgregor’s Somerled Glen Urquart.

      The bitches were Sue and Fred Evans Burroughtof Dark Amber von Langstrumpf (CC), Rhona Frew’s Sh Ch Dunfionn Rysa JW (CC), Carol Moore’s Sh Ch Gadhelic Spirit Of The Celt JW (CC), Grace Caulfield’s Sh Ch Hernwood Black Pearl (CC), Chris and Peter Sandiford and Claire Lewis’s Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso Goddess JW ShCM (CC), Poppi Jaconelli’s Sh Ch Hernwood Causing A Storm for Togipoto (CC), Elaine Roberts and Carole and Maurice Watson’s Sh Ch Kyuna Colour Of Magic at Moonglade (CC), Sue and Geoff Tong’s Sh Ch Liric Par Xcellance with Kellizlot JW, Fran Bastable’s Locksheath Tannymoral,  Mrs Wojcik-Maksymiec’s My Shining Star Black Lofty, and Nicky Ackerley-Kemp’s Yennadon Lexie.

      It seems incredible that there are exactly the same number of dogs and bitches winning the same number of RCCs.  I can’t remember this ever happening before.

      The last of the winners for 2017 to mention are the puppies.  Nine bitches and five dogs won BP awards, the bitches winning 17 to the dogs 11.

      Topping the list of BP winners with 6 was Linda Hall and Olivia Danks-Kemish’s Kilnrae Hallmark over Kenlinhall JW (dog) (Muckypup’s D’Artagnan JW ShCM x K Scotch The Rumour JW).  Runner–up to him with 4 was Jean Collins-Pitman’s Amscot Love Is In The Air (bitch) (Yennadon Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM x VDH & Int Ch Storskotens Amor Joy of Amscot).  Next with 3 it was Yvonne Slaughter’s Cairacailie Night of Love with Ordett (bitch) (Sh Ch Laurelhach Limited Edition at Yohenoak x Sh Ch C Devoted).

      One dogs and three bitches each won 2 BP awards.  The dog was Laura Millar’s Yennadon Benriach (Y Lochan at Rubymoon JW ShCM x Y Reiver).  The bitches were Marian Thomas’s Graylacier Charlie’s Angel at Glynderys JW (G Royal Sovereign of Cairacailie x G Royal Elegance);  Peggy Seymour and James Newton’s Pegasett Miz Guydance JW (Bryerdale Oor Cantona x P Black N Tantrum) and Gina Melville’s Tsruhnova Tarkheena JW (Sh Ch Liric Special Fanfare with Shillay JW ShCM x Kilnrae Party Time at T).

      The puppies to win one BP award were Mrs Knight’s Benbuie Thorntree (dog) (Graylacier Royal Liaison with Longrow x Hernwood Rambline Rose over B);  Sue and Chris Mitchell’s Roydack Ruby Hidden Gem at Brobruick JW (Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW x Roydack Loves A Blazin);  Gina Melville’s Tsruhnova Tumnus JW (dog) (same as T Tarkheena above);  Sue and Kathryne Wrigley’s Kattandale Black Fern (bitch) (Goango Black Finlander Cie Sev-15 x K All Black);  Miss McQuillan’s Kelsnnor Kissin Dynamite (bitch) (Ardnadam Red Kite x Dunfionn Quean at K); Maureen Justice’s Liric Nostalgia JW (bitch) (Sh Ch L An Aus Approach to G x L Rhapsody In Blu) and Chris Brandon Lodge’s Lourdace Evensong (bitch) (Hernwood Storm Rider x L Field Of Gold).

      Hilary Tye Tel: 0208 4602049 E-mail:


Monthly (February) Notes for BGSC Website 2018  (03)



I do hope you were not too inconvenienced by the snow.  It was not too bad where we live as all the main roads were kept clear and as we have a lot of local bus routes going around the houses, those roads were all kept salted as well.  It was obviously a worry that the ‘Beast from the East’ might have affected Crufts but fortunately it did not.

When thinking about Crufts I thought I would look back on a schedule and catalogue for 1988, 30 years ago.  Gundogs were on the first day, Thursday 11 February, and the show was held at Earls Court in London.  The rings were arranged on two floors and fortunately Gordons were on the ground floor.  The upper floor came in handy when there was a large crowd around the breed ring as it was possible to go upstairs and look down from the balcony on to the ring.

The Judge for Gordons was Mr R Robertson and he had an entry of 167 making 195.  There were 8 classes for each sex with a mixed veteran class.  There were 77 (91) dogs and 90 (104) bitches.  Absentees were 11 dogs and 19 bitches.  BOB went to the BCC winner, Chris Lomas’s Sh Ch Timadon Bramble.  She was bred by Alicia and Geoff Coupe in June 1983 and was by Ch Swanley Strathfinella x Glenlochay Kilty Rose of Eireannmada.  DCC went to José Baddeley’s Sh Ch Gladstone of Lourdace who was bred by Brenda Corbett in July 1984 and was by Sh Ch Rossend Gaelic Drover of Dunfionn x L Minuet.

RBCC was won by Annette Cornwall’s Lourdace Musette.  She was bred by José in August 1983 and was by Sh Ch Dudmoor Mylton of L x Winterwood Summercloud.  RDCC went to Paul Smith’s Moonglade Morello.  Bred by Elaine Roberts in May 1982 he was by Sh Ch Wayfarer of Carorae x M Marvel.  BP was Margot Harrison’s Adamgrove Grey Douglas.  Homebred in March 1987 he was by Tamarod Firebird x T The Mary Rose at A.

We had two entered, Casper in Post Graduate, where he came 4th, and Glen in Puppy where he came third so we had a good day.  It was Glen’s first Crufts and at one stage we wondered if he would qualify.  In those days, apart from Champions, etc and those in the Stud Book who, as now, qualify automatically, dogs had to win a first (and only a first) in Minor Puppy, Puppy, Junior or Post Graduate, plus first to third in Limit and Open.  In puppy classes during 1987, Glen kept getting seconds until at the last show of the year a puppy he had been up against continually was entered only in minor puppy whereas we had Glen entered in puppy as well and he was the only entry so finally got his qualification.  We don’t usually like being the only entry in a class but on that occasion we breathed a sigh of relief that we were.

One or two general observations about Crufts 1988:  The entry fee was £9.00 for the first class and £1 for each subsequent class.  Ring cards were sent to each exhibitor and these acted as the admission pass for entry into Earls Court.  I have not noticed any mention of exit passes.  Entry to the show was from 7.00am with no dogs admitted after 11.00am, except under very exceptional circumstances and by special permission.  Judging was from 10.00am, unless exhibitors were notified of a difference with their ring cards.  No dogs could leave the show until 6.00pm.

The total number of gundogs entered was 3,138 making 3,612 and the total entry overall was 15,567 making 18,222 entries.  Whereas nowadays there are numerous Gamekeepers’ classes, in 1988 there were just four – one for Retrievers (Labrador) and (Curly-Coated) – 9 entries;  one for Retrievers (Flat-Coated) and (Golden) – 0 entries;  one for AV Sporting Spaniel – 4 entries and one for AV Gundog – 12 entries, one of which was Timadon Blackberry, owned by Willy Cassidy.  It seems that Gundog owners are now taking much more interest in the working side, judging by the number entered in the Gamekeepers’ classes at Crufts last year.

Admission for the public was from 8.30am to 7.30pm and the cost was £4.50 for adults and £2.00 for children (over 3 and under 14) and Senior Citizens.  Catalogues were £3.00 from the kiosks in the hall but exhibitors could order with their entry.

One thing that really surprised me was the number of coach parties arranged by individuals from all around the country.  There are 65 mentioned in the schedule.  This year there are 3.  It just shows that most people these days use their own transport.

That’s the history lesson over for now!

A while ago I was chatting to someone at a show (not a Gordoner) who was rather disillusioned with the attitude of some people in her breed.  She had a good example of the breed and had done quite a bit of winning but because she was a newcomer some of the more seasoned exhibitors never congratulated her or gave her any help or advice.  Several years ago when I was helping out at ringcraft there were two people with the same breed, both nice dogs and both had started to win on several occasions.  One person became really fed up with the attitude of other more experienced exhibitors and eventually gave up showing.  The other had thicker skin and decided to shut her ears to the remarks passed around and went on to make her dog up into a champion, so her perseverance paid off.

Everyone needs to give new exhibitors as much encouragement as possible as if shows, especially open shows, are to survive we need to get and keep more people interested in taking part.  I must admit I have always found Gordon exhibitors helpful and encouraging.  This was especially so for us when we first started showing and had not much idea of what happened!  I actually wrote a little poem for a BGSC Newsletter about our experiences during our first few years of showing.  I will not repeat it all, but the first verse I feel demonstrates the help we had at the beginning.

Twas in the year of ‘85

That to our first show we did drive,

Our Casper he was nearly two

And none of us knew what to do,

But at the Gordon ring we found

A friendly crowd all standing round,

Who quickly put us in the know

With tips on how we could best show,’

Tips on grooming, tips on moving

All the time we were improving

Till that very special day

A “first” card did come Casper’s way.

We really appreciated all the help we had at the beginning and here we are some 33 years later still at it!

Another aspect of showing at the moment is the lack of people prepared to serve on committees, especially young people.  Just look around at the committee members at your local shows.  So many societies have, in recent years, closed down due to having insufficient people on their committees to efficiently run the society, especially people to take on the role of secretary.  I saw in the dog paper only the other day an advert for a society for its AGM which was to be followed by a SGM deregistering the society.  It is such a shame as some of these societies which are disappearing have been in existence for many, many years.  If we go on losing open shows there will be less and less opportunities for up and coming judges to gain experience, especially breed judges.  Also there will be fewer opportunities to bring out young puppies in the more relaxed atmosphere of an open show rather than the cut and thrust of championship shows.  I know people seem to be much busier these days, but it does not take much of someone’s time to attend a few committee meetings and attend possibly two shows a year.


The recent snow once again caused open shows to be cancelled.  In our area it was Hampshire Gundog.  I remember this happened five years ago.  Sandra and I were due to judge down at Weston Super Mare.  Although we experienced a little snow the motorways were quite clear and we arrived safely much to the delight of the organisers as they had had a number of judges unable to attend, so we had a few more classes to judge than we had bargained for.  Whilst there we heard that Hampshire Gundog had had to cancel their show, so it appeared the snow had been south of the M25 and M4, for which we were grateful.


That’s Crufts done and dusted for another year.  Kate Macara’s entry of 192 making 214 was split fairly evenly between 98 (110) dogs and 94 (104) bitches.  Absentees were 11 in each sex.

DCC and BOB was a second this year and 18th overall for Ludovica and Michele Ivaldi’s Sh Ch/Ita/Int Ch Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein (Aus Ch Triseter Celtic Ice x Ita/Int/Eur/World Ch L Velsheda) who was homebred in May 2012.

BCC went to Poppi Jaconelli’s Sh Ch Hernwood Causin A Storm for Togipoto.  This was her first this year and 6th overall.  She was bred by Chris and Peter Sandiford in January 2012 and is by Sh Ch Cromasaig Forever Loyal JW x Sh Ch H Indi Girl at T.

Kate awarded the RDCC to Connie and Ian Ford’s Liric Fusilier with Shillay JW.  This was not his first time in the top awards for he won a RCC last year.  He was bred by Maureen Justice in December 2015 and is by the DCC winner x L As Good As It Gets.

The RBCC winner came from the Special Working Bitch Class and was M Sklorz’s Celtic Blackened Kochanej Emilki who it would appear from the ATC number came over from Poland.  She was homebred in December 2013 and is by Fairray Black To The Future x Rosalie Von Der Wildlen Horde.

The challenge for BP was between Debra and Tony Harker’s Hernwood Achilles at Ettrick and Karen Marsh’s Lignum Black Lightning at Kilnrae with best going to H Achilles which follows on from his BP at Manchester.  He was bred by Chris and Peter in May last year and is by Sh Ch Lourdace Fulcrum JW x Sh Ch H Calypso Goddess JW ShCM.

There were a good number of dogs present who are not resident in the UK.  I make it 36, not including F Frankenstein, who I think can be counted as a ‘semi-resident’.

Lots of familiar faces around the ring who no longer show but still have a great interest in the Breed.  Too many to mention them all but it was pleasing to see José Baddeley there looking well even though she has been quite poorly recently.  Also it was lovely to see Yvonne Hunt at the ringside and I feel I should let slip that she will have her 100th Birthday on 25 April.  She said she was looking forward to receiving a card from the Queen.  I am sure she would love to have cards from Gordoners as well.  She is no longer living in the Forest of Dean but is now in Oxfordshire.  Her full address is in the latest BGSC Yearbook.

I hope you all had a good journey home.  It is always a long day and especially so for us as our other Breed, Field Spaniels, started at 8.00am.  Still, arriving very early meant we were parked right down the front of the West car park so not too far to walk into the venue.  One part of Crufts I dislike is walking our Field down from Hall 2 to Hall 1 as often members of the public attending the show do not seem to be aware that dogs are being walked amongst them.  We try to keep him protected but he was still nearly run into by a pushchair.  It was even worse when the Fields used to be in Hall 4 and we had to walk them back right through halls 3 and 2.  I do wish the KC could put in dog only walkways.

Sue Mitchell writes:  “Sue Mitchell would like to thank, on behalf of the British Gordon Setter Club, all those that were involved with Discover Dogs at Crufts last week.

“All of the dogs were great ambassadors for the breed and enjoyed all the attention from young and old alike.  We had a lot of interest in the breed and the representatives that attended ensured that no stone was unturned in informing the public about our wonderful breed.  We had lots of enquiries about health testing and the requirements of owning a Gordon which in some cases the public had not realised the reality of owning one.

“My thanks go to Karin Sweryda, Jan Cawthen and their team who set up on the Wednesday and then ‘womaned’ the stand on Friday.  Kay Reid and her husband Ian held the fort on Saturday and Sunday was the turn of Paul and Pam Woodhouse.  Thursday was a joint effort between Mike and Sue Beese and myself who spent the day on the Gordon stand and walking between that and the Pet Blood Bank stand where one of my dogs, Baxter, was the star attraction.  Several comments were made bout the tartan sashes and kilts that were worn.

”A great four days were had and enjoyed by all so once again thank you for giving time up to represent our breed.”

I noticed in the Crufts results on the Fossedata site that there was no mention of Best Veteran.  Sylvia Timmerman emailed to say that she was absolutely delighted to win the BV rosette with her and Rhonda Cornum’s Int/Am/It Ch Ludstar Don Corleone.  He was bred by the Ivaldis and is, of course, a half brother to Frederick Frankenstein having the same dam but by Goango Black Boss. He was born in June 2010.

Sylvia also mentioned that prior to Crufts she took the chance to visit Mary and Bert Dyde.  Apparently they are both doing well and being taken care of by their son Rob.  This is good to know as, although now ‘retired’, they have been so much part of the Gordon scene over many, many years.

Hilary Tye Tel: 0208 4602049 E-mail:
