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The British Gordon Setter Club welcomes applications for membership from UK and Overseas. Membership fees, payable on joining and then annually by either Standing Order or cash/cheque on 1st January are as follows:

UK Single member £13

UK Joint members (2 persons) £18

Overseas Single member £13

Overseas Joint members (2 persons) £18

Junior membership is available free of charge to under 16s whose parent(s) are fully paid up members.


Advantages of membership

  • A full colour Yearbook, published annually at the beginning of the year.

  • The Gordoner magazine published at the end of the year

  • Reduced entry fees to shows and  members only trophies

  • Preferential bookings for our many events.


Thinking of joining?

Please download a Membership Application and fill in all your details or contact Mr Mike Beese  – Membership Secretary Mike Beese


You will see that membership applications need to be proposed and seconded by 2 fully paid up members (not in partnership) - once  fully completed attach the membership fee and post to our Membership Secretary, Mr M E Beese, 3 Birchway, High Lane, Stockport  SK6 8EP.


Applicants are reminded that all members must abide by the Club's Code of Ethics and its Abusive Behaviour Policy View our Constitution and Rules.


To help us keep your membership details up to date please notify the Membership Secretary of any changes of name, address, phone number, marital status etc, by post or e-mail. This will ensure the correct information is published in the Yearbook Members list and that Club publications and communications are sent to the correct address.


Contact the membership secretary Mike Beese or the Secretary by email (click here)


Please be aware that in accordance with Club Rule 15a “A member shall be considered as having lapsed their membership if their annual subscription is over two calendar months in arrears of the annual due date of 1 January and shall lose entitlement to the privileges of membership.”


Our Account details are: BGSC Current = Sort Code 30-99-50 = Account 76933768

Please Select Business Account and use your membership number(if known) and/or Surname as reference.

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Officers & Committee

Honorary President:

His Grace the Duke of Richmond and Gordon


Honorary Vice Presidents:

Mrs Karen Marsh

Mrs Sue Mitchell

Miss Jane Osborn

Mr P Woodland



Pete Sandiford

Vice President:

Jean Collins-Pitman

Honorary Secretary:

Keith Whiting


Mike Beese

Committee Members:

Jane Cuthbertson
Jo Hoad
Sharon Horn
Annette Mappin
Karen McCarthy
James Newton
Dee O'Kelly

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